I apologize for not posting again for several days, but let me tell you--I have been going through it. Also, I have been preparing things for my move on Saturday (I'm moving to a new apartment) and things at work have been consuming as well.
But what's happened on the mental/emotional front is that I've found myself in the throes of a depressive episode (the clinical term for it), that has been building for weeks and then WHAM, the bottom dropped and I'm in a hole. I have a history of clinical depression (thanks in part to a strong genetic component from my mother and grandmother). I won't go into too much detail here (trust me, I would be writing for about an hour and confounding some of you, I'm sure), but I just wanted to express what's been going on with me and my MF plan.
Needless to say, I haven't been on plan ... of course I've done the MF dance--two days on, one day off, one day on, one day off, etc. I want to make it clear that I didn't become depressed because I feel off of my plan--but of course, after I fell off, this added fuel to the dark fires that were already burning. But going off of my plan was a side effect of the depression, not the other way around. Anyways, I didn't want it to come across like I have been hard on myself for falling off of my plan, and then I became depressed. My depression is so much deeper than this.
Anyways, I'm slowly working my way back to normalcy. I'm still feeling down. If any of you have experienced serious depression (I think you have Gerald, after your accident?), you know what it's like once that black cloud blurs your vision, feelings, and thoughts. It weighs on you like a 2-ton anvil. Getting out of bed, washing your face, even putting on clothes feels like a huge challenge. I'm thinking that I probably shouldn't have stopped taking the antidepressant that I was on for about three months, but I have issues with antidepressants and have never stayed on one for longer than three months, fearing lifelong dependence. Even though I know this isn't the case for many people--you just take medication for a year or so, work out some emotional issues and develop new cognitive skills, and then go on. I'm going to commit to the antidepressants for a little while now. I'm so hardheaded. You would think that I would have learned by now--I've only been through this cycle 5-6 times over the past four years

Thank you all for your support

I'm moving this weekend (boy am I glad to have help because I'm feeling wiped out) and might be without Internet access for all of next week, but I still have computer access at work and will be checking in on the forum from work. I want to say that I will get back on Medifast as of today, but it's hard to do Medifast when you are doing it from a place of mental weakness. I'm starting to feel better though, expressing myself and crying my eyes out, even on the subway, is cathartic it seems. A problem for people when they get depressed is that they often get caught up in depressive thoughts instead of their feelings. My therapist reminded me of this today and when I let the feelings and emotions out, they really poured out.
But I promise that I am formulating my plan for getting back on board Medifast and weight loss--not just my short-term plan, but my long-term one. Things still feel a bit helter skelter for me, but I'm aiming for Monday as being my no-holds barred re-start day. I know, I could start tomorrow (I hear you already Nelly!). We will see (I have other components of my plan that I have questions about, too)--I really like to start from a strong place, emotionally and mentally. When I'm feeling down, I really have to convince myself that I'm even worth it (even though I know that this is faulty). But whether I feel worthy or not, I'm just going to have to keep going because I know that I will eventually accept my worth.
Okay guys, I have to run now. Thanks for letting me share such deep thoughts here. I'll be sure to post again tomorrow while I'm at work, because I won't have a chance to post again until Monday (my phone service at my new place won't be functional until Tuesday and DSL might not be functional until next Friday or Saturday). Thanks again--you all are the best
