Hmm..I'd like to send

Guido over to give SO a major noggin' noogie...
why is it that we allow the opinions and words of others to determine our self-worth and to become the barometer of our days?
It is
SO very important, People to regularly read
POSITIVE books and to hang out with
POSITIVE people. Listen to
positive music. Watch
positive movies or TV shows!
Crap-o-lah in, crap-o-lah out.
Crap-o-lah thoughts in, crap-o-lah runs around in our cerebellum and attacks the good rightful and truthful stuff in there and all too soon we begin to dwell upon the crap-o-lah and eventually we believe it and allow it to become our own truth.
Our mental and physical health depend upon focusing on things that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, of good repute, excellent and worthy.
If it ain't good and true, reject it.
Don't allow it to remain in the cranium!
It seems so bizarro that we somehow allow the comments others to affect us so greatly.
We permit the
negatory words and comments of others to become
more significant than our own.
Why is it that we permit others to become
MORE significant than we are?
Why is it that we allow Significant Others to become
more significant than they ought to be?
Hmm? Whatcha gonna do about that?
I had to reform my thinkin'.
I got rid of some of the toxic relationships I had.
Like eating reformation, some of us need mental reformation and relationship reformation.
There are some relationships that truly cannot be dumped or changed. Sometimes there are no other options in terms of ending a relationship therefore we MUST learn to change our attitude and the way we think about it.

The other person may never ever change.
Therefore, we must
learn to go forward but to not allow the words and actions of toxic people to set us off.
Do not allow them MORE power than they ought to have, do not allow them to control us, to set the tone for our day or our life.
The old adage, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" is not always true.
Words CAN KILL us,
IF we ALLOW them to.
Who's in control of the way I think?
Who's in control of the way I act and react?
For me, no more tragedies, just triumphs!
How 'boutchoo??