freaking out

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freaking out

Postby beckyr » June 10th, 2004, 4:47 pm

I am totally freaking out. I took several small bites of cornbread and beans. Why did I do it? I don't know but it feels really bad. I have done so well. I'm on day 10 and have lost 9 lbs. What do I do now!!!!! :( :(
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Postby MomJackieLee » June 10th, 2004, 4:59 pm

Say whoopsie and go straight back to the medifast products. Do not pass go, do not use this as an "oh well..." excuse to go all out and lose momentum (ie. cheat) :bricks:

Or as Barney Fife put it so well...NIP IT.

It happens!!! Don't let one slip ruin so many great days. Get right back in there with us. I had one on Tuesday and got right back with it.

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Postby Echo » June 10th, 2004, 5:04 pm

Becky, don't punish yourself, you aren't BAD for having something off plan. Most of us have years of bad choices so we can't be expected to be perfect overnight. The most important thing is to pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and get back on plan.

Sometimes when we mess up it would be so easy to just binge, at least for me. But you didn't, if you have 30 great days and a few days with slips you are still doing great and will have results. Maybe not as dramatic as if you never cheat at all but it's not worth beating yourself up over. :hug:

Nancy said before that she won't overeat two days in a row, and I think that's great advice.

Good luck, Becky, don't forget we are here for you!
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Postby Landylue » June 10th, 2004, 6:37 pm

Hi, Becky. We've all experienced that huge wave of guilt that comes when we let down our guard 'just once' and give in to temptation. We have all fallen, but we only fail when we stay down.

Look at it as a 'lesson learned'. The voice inside your head whispering that that one bite won't hurt is A LIAR!!! It does hurt! Guilt hurts! Feelings of failure hurt! Feelings of defeat hurt!

Be strong, Becky. Stay the course. And next time...tell that voice to shut the heck up!

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Postby explorthis » June 11th, 2004, 6:27 am

Becky, these girls took the words right out of my mouth.. Brush off, apply some Bactine, and move on.

This is part of the reason I disprove of the Modified version of Medifast. I (again EYE) have never had control over the portions, or types of food I consumed, thus my fat body needed to lost 100# pounds. I think the choice should be to eat nothing, this way there is no temptation, and no food, and 100% faithfulness to Medifast, most importantly YOUR SPEEDY loss. Some can do modified (I know this was not your reason for the "whoops) but none the less, if your allowed to eat something, there is room/margin for error.

Eat not, gain not (for now)

Brush off; put it behind you. Resolve NOW, N-O-W to not do it again. Give Medifast its due course, and get the weight off. There will be cornbread and beans AFTER your at your goal. They are not going anywhere.

Side note: Maybe it's a California thing, I just don't see the appeal of Cornbread and beans? I mean, this would not be my "sin" of choice?!?!

Oh well...

Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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Postby MomJackieLee » June 11th, 2004, 6:49 am

Yes, Mike, I think you have to be a true southerner to get the love for beans and cornbread...

The reason I can't visit Nanny at Sunday dinner for a while...I guess it's good for now that she lives 200 miles away in the deep south of GA. :lol:
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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » June 11th, 2004, 11:50 am


It's just the falls in the race pal. I'm your buddy here since we started on the same day. I'm here to pick you up, and dust you off. Just pull up your socks, and let's keep going. We're gonna make it if we try! I'm gonna fall down too sometime - everybody has falls in the race in their lives, jobs, sports, diets, etc. etc. etc. That's what we get for being human! Come on buddy, let's go :stroll:

9 lbs in 10 days? YAHOOOOOOO!!!!! :yes: Just keep focusing on THAT!!!

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Postby Nancy » June 11th, 2004, 12:13 pm

Hah! I LOVE it!

Great advice from all of you!

You are wonderful to come along side a newbie for encouragement, admonition :shock: and advice.

Isn't it amazing how three or four little beans can lead to a mouthful of cornbread and a bowl of whistleberries? :x

Mike, I'm with you - I was so outta control that I couldn't be trusted with real food either. I wanted to eliminate food all together and went on the complete fast in the beginning. However, I rather enjoyed having some of the alternative shake products - soup, oatmeal or a bar as time went on.

I know of a lady that has lost thirty pounds having puddin' six times a day!
Yeah, Becky, I agree with Landy - just tell that :twisted: evil voice to shut the heck up!

( :hmmm: Hmm, is it ok for a pastor's wife to say heck?!)
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