bikipatra wrote:I am perhaps a selfish cow but I have not cooked anything for my husband since starting Medifast 114 days ago. I like to taste when I cook and I enjoy the smells and I am just not ready for it. I have shown him in nearly 5 years of marriage how to cook his favorites so he is perfectly okay with it. I order his food off Peapod so I know he can have balanced meals. He actually helps me by throwing together beautiful organic salads for me to have with my L&G. He is just so happy I am not the crazy drunk I was before he thinks it is a small price to pay.
katieb920 wrote:bikipatra wrote:I am perhaps a selfish cow but I have not cooked anything for my husband since starting Medifast 114 days ago. I like to taste when I cook and I enjoy the smells and I am just not ready for it. I have shown him in nearly 5 years of marriage how to cook his favorites so he is perfectly okay with it. I order his food off Peapod so I know he can have balanced meals. He actually helps me by throwing together beautiful organic salads for me to have with my L&G. He is just so happy I am not the crazy drunk I was before he thinks it is a small price to pay.
Make sure your using his money to buy the Groceries (hahahaha)
bikipatra wrote:I am perhaps a selfish cow but I have not cooked anything for my husband since starting Medifast 114 days ago.
katieb920 wrote:Have you seen his picture..... He is already a toothpick. But a goodlooking one.
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