by Nancy » February 23rd, 2006, 11:22 pm
Patti ~
One of the things I like best about the TSFL Program is that we do not have to do a lot of thinking in terms of our program. I've been on a TON of programs over my decades of living my flabby life and I got to the point where I HATED counting calories and fats and carbohydrates, etc. Man! I could just about tell you how many calories a food has in my sleep!
Medifast seemed ideal for me because I was always hungry on 'regular' DIEts, I'd lose a few pounds but could never stick with it because of the hunger issue and yet I was eating a very low calorie meal plan. Some plans I used were 300-385 calories per day, I lost weight but was so hungry and such a mess physically, I never stuck with it. I counted and weighed every thing that I ate – I had two meals a day.
Medifast has done the math work for us! Yeah! Each packet is poked full of all the food we need and all the vitamins and minerals we need are in there, too. And we get to have 5 pf them a day! PLUS the wonderful L & G meal. Too!
There may be times that a person is caught without a packet and perhaps they feel they must make a choice between skipping a packet or eating half portions of a lean and green and then having the other half of the lean and green later in the day. We're saying that it is best to not do that and yet there are people that I know who do that regularly.
I trust the program and adhere to it. I feel that TSFL has always been right up front with us; when changes need to be made to the program, they inform us and then the Quick Start booklet is revamped and reprinted. I haven’t noticed where the guidebook offers the 5 & 2 plan yet so I’m going along with the 5 & 1 for now.
Yep, we are allowed a generous portion of meat for the 5 & 1 Program and sometimes it seemed like a load of food for me, too. Many times people are tempted to cut back on it, thinking they will lose weight faster but we must not do that because the meal is carefully designed to ensure that our program is muscle sparing - our body needs the protein and the vegetable portions in order for the meal to be balanced. We are learning the things during the weight loss phase that will help us to understand what maintenance will be like...small portions of food, combinations of protein, low glycemic carbohydrates, low fat foods that are eaten at regular intervals throughout the day in conjunction with moderate exercise.
For maintenance I usually eat about 6 ounces of chicken - it depends on the rest of my meal components. If I have fish or shellfish, I eat 7-8 ounces as it is usually very lean. I have a lean chork pop once in a while. I rarely ever eat beef; it has to be really spectacular before I ever consider it and when I do, it is a very small portion.
I eat a lot of CHRISTmas food – green & red things! Romaine, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, zukes & cukes, olives!! (OK, Folks - don't go out a buy a cartload of green olives! I am on maintenance and I eat a FEW because I can!) Tuhmaters, red peppers - again…I’m on maintenance and I can! Red peppers are higher in carbs than those nasty green ones so I generally tell losin’ Peeps to steer clear of the red and yellow ones or just have a few slivers on their salad top.
I've written many posts about the importance of following the program because as Jan explained, when we start adding extra things, we get out of balance and we find that rapid weight loss can slow down and it also makes it more difficult to stay on the program as hunger can return, too.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit