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For girls' eyes only :)

Postby MARIE » August 8th, 2006, 10:58 pm

Hi all~

Everyone's posts have been so positive here recently...hate to throw a wrench in...but I've been non-compliant off and on this past week and I am mad at myself :x .

I know it's not the end-all, and I know the emotional reasons I have sometimes eaten other things; I am just mad that I consciously decided to give into those (negative) emotions at those times. I never went hog wild--more like popcorn at a movie, or I had pizza eating out because I hadn't eaten and was not prepared with a MF meal--which is totally my fault--I think part of me wanted to have the pizza, so I stayed hungry and didn't eat a MF meal so I could eat the pizza! PLUS, and this is the for-the-girls thing, I just started my period and feel like a million pounds. Do you all feel that way ever during that time of the month? Half the time I don't want any MF meal because I already feel bloated and distended belly-looking, and yet I probably should still eat/drink the meals, but I just feel gross. I am not weighing due to project-no-weigh, but wouldn't even want to for fear of what the scale would say.

I'm just feeling rotten... I commit to be back on track--wanted to be acountable by writing that down. Thanks for letting me be honest--any input is welcome!
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Im in your boat

Postby rayray » August 9th, 2006, 3:18 am

I am in the same boat as you. The past 2 days I have gone off plan and just ate little things here and there. I also am on my time of the month and I think I tend to get like this just because I become super emotional and I am also thinking about my husband leaving for the air force and it just makes the emotional side of me much stronger!@!!! But we can do this and get back on track!!!
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Postby Aerie » August 9th, 2006, 3:41 am

Hang in there guys.
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Postby Sarya » August 9th, 2006, 5:21 am

Some months are bad and others are good. Yes just hang in there; it'll all pass. Sometimes we're going to feel gross and bloated during that totm, but remember it will go away when Flo leaves. And I know also that our cravings go insane, and it's very hard to keep them in check sometimes. Keep some on plan snacks available in case you have to have a snack. When I have mine I usually have my normal snacks around (jello etc), but I also allow myself a snack of an ounce of cheese or some cucumber sticks. Anything that won't completely screw up your day yet still allow you fight the bad cravings..
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Postby JeepGirl » August 9th, 2006, 6:39 am

Aww Marie--You can do it girl! Good think AF only visits for a few days each month isnt it!

You are doing so good and are almost to 20lbs gone so I know you will get back on track and keep shaking! ;)
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Postby Arklahoma » August 9th, 2006, 7:22 am

One trick that works for me when I have the hungries is to tell myself that if I'm truly hungry then I can have as much to eat as I want, but it has to be MF food. My theory is that if I'm going to go off the deep end then at least it's gonna be something that's got nutritional value. Once, I actually ate three MF meals at one time in addition to my regular five MF meals for the day. I was miserable the rest of the day. I've never forgotten it and now I seem to be able to control the binge urges a little better.
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