Food will not cosume me at all!

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Food will not cosume me at all!

Postby sweeshelby30 » January 25th, 2005, 8:17 pm

Here I go again but this time I am so diiferent . I do not know what happened. But i like what I feel inside. First of all today my box came with Bannana Blitz and I was jumping up and down . My RTD and Smores bars were on back order i was almost in tears but so what i still have a truck load in the basement. Second of all I baked Cookies and Muffins for my family and for the first time I did not lick the spoon . I cooked Dinner also I did not lick the spoon. It is so scary sometime . I think back to how I let Food consume my life . How sad is it to smell Mcdonalds or KFC and cry because I wnated it so bad. This is my third day and I want to be honest this time I have not the cravings to cheat . I am siiting here now drinking some Water and having some Medifast crackers and I feel great ! Also I just wnat to say that i am MS. CHEAT AND SNEAK herself and for once I feel so motivated . Last nite I cried because i had a massive headache but i drank some water, had 2 excedrine , and a pickle and fell back to sleep . My partner wanted to pamper me with a snack but I said no! The first three days are rough but look I made it . I also find that when I get home from work i just consume my evening with cleaning and house work so I do not have time to eat or think about food. I just want to say that I will be one Sexy Police Officer in 5 months ? Am i setting unrealistic Goals ???
Starting weight 220
Please keep me in all of your thoughts and prayers
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 25th, 2005, 10:53 pm

There's plenty of thoughts and prayers for/from all of us here to go around. You're doing fantastic.
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Postby NikkiNix » January 27th, 2005, 1:25 pm

Hi Shelby,

I know what you mean about crying when you don't get food I would actually cry :cry: when I was hungry and my family would order pizza and say we would rather see you happy then suffer, and then I would eat 5 or 6 pieces and feel horrible. This is why I have fallen off the wagon so many times in the past. I had a talk with them about it and said I will survive without the food and I will be a lot happier in the future when I lose the weight. Food is an addiction for most of us and if you think about it we are going through withdrawl and that is what makes us so crabby and whinney. We get that attitude we have to eat to live but we should remember we don't have to live to eat. I am a sneak eater as well but I would always confess afterwards and it would give my family an excuse to go out to eat, they would say well you already cheated so why not. Cooking for the family and not licking the spoon is soo important because that one taste is what sets us off. I started last year and lost 30lbs and then fell off the MF wagon and got back on and fell off and repeated this all year until I just gave up. I ended up gaining all the weight back plus 10lbs. I restarted this year with a new attitude turn your desperation into determination and you will suceed. I have already lost 30lbs in less than a month. I don't know what your weight loss goal is but if you stick with the program I bet you get there in 5 months easy. It seems like a long time, but in the scheme of things what's 5 months compared to the rest of your life.

Good luck on your journey. You can do it.
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Postby Mrsshrinkinglady » January 27th, 2005, 2:13 pm

Hi Shelby!
You are doing GREAT!!
We all have had cravings at times and I just push on to something to keep myself busy, as you are doing and they go away!
However the guilt or the extra pounds doesn't go away as quickly if we give in to temptation!
I can remember once when I first started,my hubby and I were on a trip and he wanted to stop and get an A&W root beer float but wouldn't because he didn't want to eat in front of me, but I said NO dear go ahead it won't bother me honest WELL I cried the whole way home :lol:
He felt so awful he threw it away :lol:
I laugh about that now,14 weeks later and 63 1/2 pound lighter!!! :D
YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are all here to support you!
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Postby scrabbler7 » January 27th, 2005, 3:37 pm

Guess what I did today???? I drove by the Krispy Kreme and THE LIGHT WAS ON --- we ALL know what that means ... HOT DONUTS!!!

BUT ......


I didn't pull in - I didn't get out - I DIDN'T have a donut. I was so damn proud I smiled the whole trip!

Yeee Haaa MF!

I know we can all do this if I drove by the donut shop! Just amazing! LOL
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Postby explorthis » January 27th, 2005, 4:15 pm

Hey, Scrabbler, GOOD FOR YOU!

I know we can all do this if I drove by the donut shop! Just amazing!

Let’s have a little fun from the other side of the fence.

Let’s assume on the small end, you patronized the Crap-o-Kreme every morning on the way into work (using me for the example) and I bought a donut (very hard, since I would not have just 1) and a cup-o-Joe. Minimum spent (bare minimum) would be $2.00

$2.00 x 5 days x 50 weeks = $500 saved a year just on Crap-o-Kreme, not to mention the pennies in gas monies saved. (We won’t even mention what it DID to your body – Where is that razor again?)

Now, let’s get realistic. No joke here. I was a fast food-a-holic. 3 out of 5 days a week I hit the Mc’D’s drive through. Standard was 3 of “X” (not naming to protect the weak and those that think they are hungry). These “X” units were $1.00 each.

The other 2 or 3 days, depending, were in an actual sit down place. Now, I SAT, and when I sat, I ate. Say on the light side $7.00 a day.

Mc’D’s alone, $3.00 x 3 x 50 weeks = $450 a year
Sit down 2.5 times a week @ $7.00 x 2.5 x 50 weeks = $875
$875 + $450 = way too much, not to mention again gas pennies, AND what it does to your body.

My lunch bill yearly (on the light side) would have paid for 6 months + of Medifast. (This is just lunch alone!)

Funny, we don’t even think of these things, however if you wrote a check, or paid cash all at one time for a year’s worth of DOUGH-nuts, or Mc’D’s death wishes, - YIKES!

Another trivial reason Medifast is worth it.

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Postby cplantho » January 27th, 2005, 6:21 pm

Trivial my patootie! :lol: I figured I spent nearly 250 bucks a month eating out and for all the snacks for home. MF is SAVING me money as well as my life.

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