Food info

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Food info

Postby aimalasplace » August 20th, 2005, 3:00 am

I don't know if we're allowed to show web sites. I know we can't do cut and pastes :uhuh: but I just found a great web site for finding out the nutrional info. It might be common knowledge around here but it's >>>snip snip mr. snippy says no urls please <<<
I have been looking up things and they have the food listed as weights so if you have a scale you can weigh instead of cramming your salad in the cup. Just wanted to pass the info along and not get in trouble in the process! :bricks:
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Postby Nancy » August 20th, 2005, 12:20 pm

Aimee ~

:shock: Sorry, Little Darlin' we cannot do that and thank you for making a little comment about it.

Unca is on a little road trip right now so I had to get out the scissors. :mrgreen:

Here's the link info Aimee referred to - it is foodcount dot com and there ya have it, Folks! ;)
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