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Follow the path!

Postby Starloser63 » January 5th, 2005, 8:07 am

Dear Friends,

Many of you may not know me, it has been awhile since I have been on the board. But I just had to drop in to say. Please if you are doing Medifast for the first time, follow the plan as they have it layed out. You can trick yourself into believing that the way your doing it will work, a little nibble here and there wont hurt. Well it does, I tried doing it my weigh and it seemed to be working but slowly, there was more and more nibbles and then the weight started coming back on. Then I stopped drinking the shakes because I figured I was wasting money, then the weight really came back. I am heavier by almost 20 pounds than I was last year. I have failed and now the expense is more than I can add up. I don't want others to go thru this too. So if this even reaches one person I will be glad.

Don't get angry at the ones declaring do it 100%, don't ignore them either. They really do know what they are talking about.

Best of luck to everyone

Susan Fuller
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Postby explorthis » January 5th, 2005, 8:22 am


How could we ever forget you? Glad you dropped in...... Nice to see and hear from you again. So, this knowledge you are talking about, are you with us again? (hoping)

Welcome back.......

Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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Postby TamiL » January 5th, 2005, 9:35 am

Hi Susan
Good to hear from you!! your post is so is so hard to get back on the plan and stay faithful once youve begun to nibble and snack on things..its almost as if you do it to see what you can get away with...but we cant trick our bodies...people we can trick..but it shows up on us after a while...then there is no secrets!! I have been struggling for months now...longer than get back on track..and I am finally. I had to really be aware of what I was doing at all picking or even licking my fingers after making something I cant eat!! I sat down one day and re-read all my old posts...which is so strange, cuz its been a year Feb 3rd, this feb, that I started medifast..the first month and a half..I did great...and it was after loosing a bunch of weight, and me starting to feel a little better about myself that I starting picking...and straying here and there....
Well...I decided to NOT look back on when I not think of all the times Ive done this..and all the "day 1's" Ive had...I just think about here and NOW....and what I can look like and feel like this summer if I do this faithfully this time.....
I never gained back more than 5 pounds or so...before I waved the white flag and got right back on the shakes again..then I would do good for a few weeks...then loose it again..and it became this vicious cycle!!
but the most important thing is WHAT DO YOU WANT TO LOOK LIKE AND FEEL LIKE? we know this works if we WORK IT and not cheat...we know where we could a few months...and I choose to NOT GIVE UP...and keep trying..untill I reach that pot of gold at the end of my rainbow!!! The train to thinville never keeps may slow down...and people may exit a while..but everyone eventually comes back on....some of us stay for the ride without falling off...some of us stumble a bit....but the important thing is...DONT give up....!!
Even if its not medifast that you may choose to get the weight off...just dont give up susan....your WORTH it...the struggles and to get yourself feeling good about YOU again!! :)

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Postby RareBear » January 6th, 2005, 7:44 pm

You didn't fail; you learned some valuable lessons and are kind enough to share them with us.
Hang in there and thank you for sharing.
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Postby izabelle » January 7th, 2005, 2:11 pm

I know exactly what your talking about. Kind of creepy just reading your post...that's me to a T! I have been off completely for a month though and have gained it all back plus 2. Ugh! I had to quit my job in the restaurant (just to stay on track with MF) and now my husband is working away from home 2wks on and 1wk off. It's now just me and 2 kids, so I am using this as my opportunity to stay on track and clean up their eating habits as well. I am proud to say we have "0" potato chips, bread, cookies and the like, etc left in the house. I have no willpower so I needed to remove the temptations. Best of luck to you. We can do this.

If I dissapear again...please send the search team! lol
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Postby SneezyKitten » January 7th, 2005, 2:28 pm

Well I guess it is the return of olde souls day here as I am in the same boat as you Susan! I remember you...and I have to say, THANK YOU for posting! The fact is that I have been lurking on the boards for a few days, trying to get the courage to return both to the program and to the board. I have also gained all but 2 lbs back and am frustrated and embarrassed.

Are you dropping in to say hi or are you returning??????

Thanks for lending your courage......

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Postby Nancy » January 13th, 2005, 7:02 pm

Welcome to you returning Medifasters!

I love New Years - it is a time for re-dedications and do-overs as well as a time to keep on keeping on.

Many of us can say that we totally understand the embarrassment of admitting we have failed before...dieting is not easy. Medifast makes it easier, once you get into ketosis but for the most part, it's the pits...I know!

Just know that even though you may have taken a leave of absence, the door was never shut tight behind you and locked. We open it to you and say, "Welcome Home, Friends. Come on in and get warm by the Medifire of "If I can do, you CAN do it, too and we will help you through the days ahead."

I've been on a lot of dieting trips in my life - give me Medifast any time!
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