Well rats! I accidentally hit the magic "make everyhing disappear" button on the side of the mouse and my post just went bye-bye.
Ok...let's start over.
Karakuri, I'm so sorry I wasn't here to see your post a few days ago. You aren't alone!
ugh... i forget what i was going to say now.
Boy, can I ever relate to that! I won't bore you with details of....uh...dang...lost my train of thought. What was I gonna say?
First of all, I know how bad you want those comfort foods when having a big flare up. I'm the same way. Or was. It's gotten a lot easier since being on MF. Just hang in there and keep telling yourself you can get through it. I'm certainly not an expert but if I felt I really needed to, I would go ahead and eat the supplements closer together and even add an extra at the end of the day if I was hungry. That's a heck of a lot better than going off MF completely!
Here's my two cents worth. A cranio-sacral therapist once told me that fibromyalgia sufferers are continually in the "fight or flight" mode. I couldn't agree more. When I'm wound up tight and aching all over I feel like I've just competed in a marathon or something. And it's as if my body is telling me "carbs! I need carbs!"

Sticking to MF when you have fibromyalgia is pretty difficult...that's it in a nutshell.

It's not easy for any of us, but when your body is conspiring against you it can seem impossible. I can promise you this though, if you stick to it those cravings will pass and you'll feel so much better about yourself. In my case, being successful on MF and losing 52lbs has given me a great sense of accomplishment at a time when I felt totally useless and out of control. I'm definitely happier with myself even if the fibro isn't any better.
You asked about exercise. I started MF in mid January. I didn't start doing any exercise until this month. I have an above ground pool so every other day I get in the pool and do light water aerobics, walking and jogging. Once in a while I make the mistake of ignoring those little messages from my bod, trying to tell me to take it easy, and I have to lay off for a few days. If you are going to exercise take it very, very easy! Don't do anything that is going to make you feel worse.
Hang in there and remember, we're all here to help each other! If I can help you in any way just let me know!