FMS - Fibromyalgia and MF

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FMS - Fibromyalgia and MF

Postby Karakuri » June 27th, 2006, 6:28 pm

i was wondering if there are other FMS sufferers here?

i've been having a heck of a time w/ MF when i have a massive flare-up. today i just want to eat all the comfort foods i had been avoiding. i'm miserable, crying and wish i could turn to those foods. i cannot though and it's making me feel even worse.

my MF meals have been moving closer and closer in time. instead of 2-3 hours i find myself eating 1-1 1/2 hours instead. i'm just so hungry almost all the time. even drinking tons of water isn't helping.

anyway, if there are other FMS sufferers here... it'd be really nice to know i'm not alone with the pain and hunger. if you are out there, how do you deal w/ the MF meals and such? what about exercise?
start date: June 12, 2006
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Postby Karakuri » June 28th, 2006, 5:39 pm

there's really no other FMS sufferers here? i really thought i'd have a few people post in relation to this. now i'm a sad panda. i don't want to be alone on this. :P
start date: June 12, 2006
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Thinking of you

Postby Misty » June 28th, 2006, 8:41 pm

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Postby Lady Bug » June 28th, 2006, 10:29 pm

Hi there:

Yes, I have fibro but stayed on the program. I knew that getting rid of the excess pounds could do nothing but help. I knew it would be part of the answer and it was.

I went off the program for a short time.....but becuz I wanted to maintain my newfound wellness.........I came back.

I lost over 40 lbs and never felt better. Before Medifast, there were times when I couldn't drag myself out of bed or off the couch. I hurt so bad. After I started to lose, I was feeling better. When I didn't stick with the program (not becuz of Fibro, but becuz I have an eating problem) and when I did eat, I felt miserable. Feeling miserable is why I knew I had to return to this forum and to the program. That return date was June 22, 06.

Hang in there and I guarentee not only will you feel better about yourself but your BODY will feel better too. You will meet new friends and you will get sooooooooo much support on this forum.

Read some of the past posts........they are proof of what a great program this is. I hope this helps you.

Take care and good luck,
;) Evie
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Postby Karakuri » July 1st, 2006, 11:23 am

thanks for the hugs!

and thanks for the feedback... i was starting to feel alone on the FMS wagon.

so far it is tough going. the pain can be too much and i just want to sit down and eat everything because of it. not sure if that's weird or not. if only the pain would deter me from eating.

have you cut out any of the nightshade foods? i understand that leaving them out can have a drastic change on the pain we feel. the down side is that it's often really yummy veggies that get cut out.
start date: June 12, 2006
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Postby Lady Bug » July 1st, 2006, 4:09 pm

Hi again and so glad if my input helped. You know, I pretty much stick to the program cuz I tell you getting the weight off is a great help to my joints, bones, and body in whole. Not carrying around the extra 40 pounds helped tremendously.

Staying with any structered food program isn't easy becuz it prevents us from eating our comfort food. But after awhile...our comfort is any but comfortable. Our bodies suffer in soooo many ways.

I know this works, so stick with will be doing you and your body a lifetime gift.

Hang in there,
;) Evie
"I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.”

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Postby Karakuri » July 3rd, 2006, 4:45 pm

it is quite amazing what we put our bodies through. it's amazing at how much manmade foods we're willing to cram into our mouths and eat.

i really wish i never got myself into this position to begin with. just to think that 6 years ago i weighed 100 lbs less than i do now. it's a sad, sad thing.

the pain is a huge issue for me. even with losing weight and light exercise, i hurt ever so much.

ugh... i forget what i was going to say now.
start date: June 12, 2006
start weight: 260
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Postby Allison Onederland » July 3rd, 2006, 9:15 pm

Well rats! I accidentally hit the magic "make everyhing disappear" button on the side of the mouse and my post just went bye-bye. :x

Ok...let's start over. :oops:

Karakuri, I'm so sorry I wasn't here to see your post a few days ago. You aren't alone! :hugblue:

ugh... i forget what i was going to say now.

Boy, can I ever relate to that! I won't bore you with details of....uh...dang...lost my train of thought. What was I gonna say? :scratchhead: :lol:

First of all, I know how bad you want those comfort foods when having a big flare up. I'm the same way. Or was. It's gotten a lot easier since being on MF. Just hang in there and keep telling yourself you can get through it. I'm certainly not an expert but if I felt I really needed to, I would go ahead and eat the supplements closer together and even add an extra at the end of the day if I was hungry. That's a heck of a lot better than going off MF completely!

Here's my two cents worth. A cranio-sacral therapist once told me that fibromyalgia sufferers are continually in the "fight or flight" mode. I couldn't agree more. When I'm wound up tight and aching all over I feel like I've just competed in a marathon or something. And it's as if my body is telling me "carbs! I need carbs!" :lol: Sticking to MF when you have fibromyalgia is pretty difficult...that's it in a nutshell. :huh: It's not easy for any of us, but when your body is conspiring against you it can seem impossible. I can promise you this though, if you stick to it those cravings will pass and you'll feel so much better about yourself. In my case, being successful on MF and losing 52lbs has given me a great sense of accomplishment at a time when I felt totally useless and out of control. I'm definitely happier with myself even if the fibro isn't any better.

You asked about exercise. I started MF in mid January. I didn't start doing any exercise until this month. I have an above ground pool so every other day I get in the pool and do light water aerobics, walking and jogging. Once in a while I make the mistake of ignoring those little messages from my bod, trying to tell me to take it easy, and I have to lay off for a few days. If you are going to exercise take it very, very easy! Don't do anything that is going to make you feel worse.

Hang in there and remember, we're all here to help each other! If I can help you in any way just let me know!
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Postby Karakuri » July 6th, 2006, 11:03 am

i just wanted to say that Allison Onederland is a really awesome play on words.

i envy anyone who has their own pool. i loathe public ones w/ a passion, but love swimming in private ones. but, alas, we do not have the room for a pool in the yard. and the bathtub is too small for laps. :P

keeping with the program is a big thing for me. it's a daily struggle, but i seem to get by. the fight or flight bit is very true. i still cannot wait to have my carbs again... mmm bready things. but, now i know to limit myself.

after losing 10lbs i have noticed a difference. granted i am still in a lot of pain, but at least i don't feel so gross about myself. i was far too overweight and i felt enough was enough. not only do i have FMS (and a few other annoying things), but i didn't wish to add heart problems and possible diabetes to the list.

it is nice to know that i don't have to rush back into exercising. i'd LOVE too, but it's really not an option at this point. i move around a bit so i'm not just sitting and never moving. which is a good thing.

and once again i forget what i was going to say... lol go me!
start date: June 12, 2006
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