My First week weigh-in...

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My First week weigh-in...

Postby Denise » April 21st, 2006, 9:06 am

Today I weighed myself after being on the program for 1 week. I have lost 6lbs. I am a LITTLE saddened that is wasent more..I was shooting for 10. Oh well....I will take it. Maybe I will just shoot for the 20lbs gone in 30days. What does everyone that doable? :?
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Postby wildtrk » April 21st, 2006, 10:19 am

From what I have seen in other posts I think it is doable...hard for me to really say with conviction. I am of the other gender and the weight seems to fall off a little faster. I am into this one week as of today and was 13lbs. down this morning. In reality if the weight is coming off, and you can live with the plan, I don't think anyone here would be too displeased with that loss, first week or not.

BTW congrats!
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Postby supermom » April 21st, 2006, 10:29 am

Yes, I would say that is doable. Congrats!!

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Postby Nicole81 » April 21st, 2006, 12:52 pm

Hey Denise,
It is totally doable! Some people lose a lot more their first week but I think it has a lot to do with gender, how much you have to lose, and how your body takes to the program. In my situation I lost 30 pounds on medifast in 46 days I believe I hit my 20 pound mark a few days after a month but I am usually a slower loser. Good Luck!
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Postby Arklahoma » April 21st, 2006, 1:39 pm

Everybody's body is different so don't get stuck on specific numbers. MF states the avg weight loss is 2-5 lbs per week. I have always told myself that as long as I fall within that range, I'm happy (and I don't mean per week ~ plateau's can happen so I'm only going to be freaked if I don't make goal for a one month period).

FYI, I lost 22 lbs in the first 30 days!

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Postby Denise » April 21st, 2006, 1:52 pm

Thanks everyone. I will try not to focus on my numbers for the moment...I have always been a slow Loser.....I guess that is just how it goes sometimes! I am motivated...and you all are terrific! :lol:
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Postby dede4wd » April 21st, 2006, 3:02 pm

Hi Denise!

6lbs in a week is GREAT! Just remember, your body is getting used to the program still. I lost 7 my first week and I'm generally a slow loser. Just keep following the program to the letter, keep chugging that water, and you're gonna do GREAT! How can you fail? You've got us!!!!!

Like Ark says, we're like the people following that guy around in the cell phone commercial. We've got your back!

I think you're doing GREAT!


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Re: My First week weigh-in...

Postby Lizabette » April 21st, 2006, 4:12 pm

Denise wrote:Today I weighed myself after being on the program for 1 week. I have lost 6lbs. I am a LITTLE saddened that is wasent more..I was shooting for 10. Oh well....I will take it. Maybe I will just shoot for the 20lbs gone in 30days. What does everyone that doable?

I think you can ask yourself when you have lost that much weight on any other diet? Please don't be did great. On this program, your body will allow you to lose what is best for you. Some are slower than others,(me!) while some are much faster. :lol:

Just stay 100%, drink your water, post often :puter: be patient and let your body do it's thing!

Doing good, DENISE,

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Postby jump4joy » April 21st, 2006, 9:42 pm

Hi Denise, I think you're doing great! I lost 5 lbs. (I think) the first week, and I was pleased...and lost 10 1/2 lbs. in 3 weeks. I'm on the 5 & 1 so I'm losing a little slower than I did when I did the full-fast, but I'm happy with it. When I did only 5 shakes a day, never deviating ONCE, I lost 18 lbs. the first month, 10 the next, and averaged 8 lbs. a month after that. As I got closer to goal, it was slower...but still averaged about 2 lbs./week. Some people lose faster, and some slower on this program. I was very pleased with my rate of weight-loss on MF. Medifast is a VERY effective program for weight-loss...I should know <lol>, since I've lost 40, 80, and 63 lbs. on it since I found it about eight years ago. I got fat when I had my babies, and have struggled for 15 years with my weight. I've been thin 4 times in the past ten years, but as you can plainly discern....I do have a PROBLEM with Maintenance!!! :oops: But I'm determined to get it right this time. Trust the process with Medifast. Try to be patient...the weight didn't come on overnight and it won't leave overnight. If you work the program, IT WILL WORK over time.....usually faster and in a more healthful way than other diet plans, IMO. When I found Medifast, I stopped looking for the answer to "What Diet?" That has been settled in my mind for good.....I plan on using MF for years to come as part of my maintenance.

Give it time. Don't use your scale as your only information on how well your doing. Take your measurements, and then you can compare them weekly, if you want. Get some cute stickers and put them on a calendar for each day that you make it through. I use sparkly butterflies. And a gold star for a good 5 & 1 day, or a silver star for a full-fast (for me 6 or 7 shakes this time). I go to the gym for moderate exercise, and put a heart sticker and write what I did next to it. You wouldn't believe what a nice feeling it is to look at your calendar and see those successful days add up! Medifast WORKS, so TRUST THE PROCESS and don't worry whether you're losing fast enough or whatever.

OTHERS HAVE DONE IT AND YOU CAN DO IT TOO! I'll be hoping and cheering for you Denise! :cheerleader:
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Postby DogMa » April 21st, 2006, 9:48 pm

I agree, don't focus on specific numbers, especially if you're a slow loser. I lost 6 pounds my first week, too, then 2 pounds a week for a few weeks, then it slowed down to a crawl. But progress is progress. I may not have lost 20 pounds my first month, but I was still 12 pounds lighter than I would have been if I hadn't followed the program.

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Postby Denise » April 22nd, 2006, 9:18 am

You guys are sooo supportive! I really appreciate it! I was planning on just weighing myself once a week..but this morning I caved and jumped on the scale was down a little more than 2 lbs from yesterday! That brings my total to 8lbs in 8 days! Now I am thrilled! What a difference 2lbs can make! Now...I promise not to get on that scale until next Friday! Honestly! :-P
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