Here is a question: I was thinking if this is a plateau already, maybe i should do the 6 supplements for one week to shake things up or to just change things up. Do you think this would be a good idea? I am not depressed - well not too much anyway. But I don't want this standstill to happen again.
Oh...the one thing I was thinking that I have done differently the past 2 weeks is taking Sugar Free Fiber Choice to help with the "sandbox" issues I've been having. Now, I know others have used it but I was reading the label and was a bit surprised that it had 4 carbs for 2 tablets. Now I know we need to be careful of carbs - so I got concerned. I have to take 2 in the morning and 2 at night to help me. Could that be why I stalled? If so, what else can I do since I do need a little help in that area? Not to get into specifics but I didn't visit the "sandbox" for 2 days and finally did today - that isn't good for me (trust me).
So - any input/advice/consoling is welcomed