First test passed!

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First test passed!

Postby Dayna » January 22nd, 2006, 12:31 am

Tonight was the first half of my husband's two-weekend birthday party (the two couples he wanted to have over couldn't make it on the same night, so we had one dinner tonight, then will have the other one next Friday). As per his request, I cooked all sorts of yummy things that I won't list, because it would be too cruel. Part of me was worried how I would do, but the other part of me wasn't, because I'm so ready to stick with a plan to get this weight off. I didn't even lick my fingers when I got mashed potatoes on them! And when everyone else was enjoying desert, I enjoyed a chai latte. I measured out my salmon (easy dish there for me to have, fortunately) and my salad greens before it all went to the table, and it all worked just fine. And really, the satisfaction of everyone raving over the food was (in this moment, at least) just as satisfying as eating it myself. The couple of times I caught myself looking longingly at the potatoes or bread, I repeated Nancy's mantra: "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!" Also, I thumbed through the Lands End catalog and reminded myself how nice it will be to order cute little jeans and sweaters and things, and not have to pay an extra $10-15 because it's the plus size version. As far as I can remember, this is the first social meal during which I've been on a diet and didn't cheat ONCE. I always would say, "oh, just this little bit won't hurt." But then it would turn into more than a little bit, and then it would turn into a weekend, and then it would turn into three months of splurge.

Yay for Medifast! Yay for the accountability and support we have in this forum! Yay for noticing my cheeks look a little thinner! Yay for self-control and remembering the long-term goals! Yay for learning life-long tools for healthy eating!

- Dayna
Someone once wrote:I'm allergic to cake. I break out in fat when I eat it.

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Yay Dayna

Postby Jan » January 22nd, 2006, 12:37 am

Yaaaaaaay Dayna,
You did great!!! :D :D Didn't even lick the mashed potatoes off the fingers :D
Those are soooo tempting for me. I'm proud of you.
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Postby Serendipity » January 22nd, 2006, 6:40 am

Hi Dayna, You remind me of me. I started at about the same place you are and have been adament from the start to stick to the program. It works! My first big challenge was cooking my very very very favorite meal of the year - Thanksgiving. It was easy because my head was in the right place. My husband was my taste-tester when I could drag him away from football. I measured out my turkey and veggies in the kitchen before dinner. Sat with my family and enjoyed watching them eat....of course they always say I do the turkey thing best of all. :lol:

Anyway, you did great and it wasn't even hard, right? You'll soon see great results!
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Postby smartipantz » January 22nd, 2006, 8:46 am

Hi Dana!

That is fantastic!! I had a similar experience last night - my first food related outting and did great as well. I sat there perfectly content with my caramel nut bar when everyone was eating. Of course they notice that I'm not eating or drinking and start asking me questions. I just told them I'm trying to lose weight and this IS my meal. Didn't bother me at all and my reward was losing a pound. Not a bad reward I must say.

Just keep that mindset and you'll do great!!!! And I can't wait to go shopping myself!!

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Postby SueInSLO » January 22nd, 2006, 9:09 am

Great job Dayna!!!!

I think eating with a group or eating out is the toughest test!

I think you should be soooooooo proud of yourself!! You did good!!!!
No, you did great! :bravo:

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Postby Mommy2girls » January 22nd, 2006, 4:19 pm

Woo Hoo!!! :thumbig:

Remember how GOOD that felt and how you can do it again!!! Having control over what you put in your mouth is very empowering! :yippee:

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Postby MusicalMomma » January 22nd, 2006, 4:24 pm

:shock: I am dead IMPRESSED Dayna!!! You definitely get gold stars for this one!!!! :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :goldstar: :goldstar: :goldstar: :goldstar: :goldstar: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
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Postby sidrah » January 22nd, 2006, 4:46 pm

Good job. Salmon sounds great. It is one of those things that isn't even a food that would make any difference noticeable from what you and they are eating. Good job, such dedication.... :-P
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Postby Dayna » January 22nd, 2006, 6:51 pm

Thanks for all the encouragement. :D Now, next Friday is the REAL test, I have to actually bake his birthday cake. Fortunately, the kind he wants isn't chocolate, and doesn't use frosting. Those facts alone will make the task easier. Plus, some excellent suggestions in another thread, especially the one about leaving the house while the cake is cooking, to escape the delicious smells . . .

Just taking it one shake at a time! :guzzle:

- Dayna
Someone once wrote:I'm allergic to cake. I break out in fat when I eat it.

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