First Shake at 8am Today!

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First Shake at 8am Today!

Postby cdixon » May 10th, 2004, 6:37 am

Okay -- had my first shake this morning -- and was pleasantly surprised.

I was concerned that the shake was going to be a little "icky" but it was fairly good. I have the diabetic shakes so I thought that they might have a less than appealing taste but after trying it -- I know I can do this program.

I got the "kit" so I have lots of stuff to try out but no strawberry shakes :cry: Starwberry is my favorite -- so when it is time to order more I'm stocking up!!! I read in a post somewhere that someone said they thought the strawberry shakes tasted like melted strawberry ice cream and I thought -- what's wrong with that?!? :D

Can't wait to belong to the 10# club (and more!)

Wish me luck!
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Postby Landylue » May 10th, 2004, 7:12 am

I love your postive attitude! You're going to do just fine on this program, Christina.

When something healthy tastes like melted strawberry ice cream, honey, there's NOTHING wrong with that!

Good luck to you on your first day and all the days to come, and be sure and get out on the forum and post often! You are going to receive overwhelming support from this group!

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Postby Sylvia » May 10th, 2004, 8:04 am

Hi Christina and welcome to the program. I am just starting my second week and things are going well so far! I just tasted a strawberry shake for the first time and was barely able to finish it - doesn't mean you won't like it but you might want to try a sample or small quantity first to make sure! :D
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Postby marge » May 10th, 2004, 9:33 am

Christina...welcome to our world and what a wonderful world here of great support and wonderful positive can do no wrong here :lol:

Just remember to load up on celery, pickles and bouillon especially during the first week..

Post often and read as much as you can.

I know you are going to do it and we are all behind you


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Postby explorthis » May 10th, 2004, 10:24 am

Caution on the Celery, and peeeckles.. I am on no way raining on Marge’s parade, just a few “newbie” cautions:

Just remember to load up on celery, pickles and bouillon especially during the first week.

From the FAQ section:

Salad can include 1 to 2 cups of any kind of salad greens along with up to ¼ cup total of any combination of raw vegetables such as peppers, onions, cucumbers, celery, mushrooms, radishes, alfalfa or bean sprouts, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, or cabbage.

You can munch on celery-up to three stalks per day is acceptable. Celery is a high-water vegetable with minimal carbohydrates.

Additionally I think Nancy added you could munch on 2 (if I remember) pickle spears daily.

Bullion – 2 cups a day max (from the Medifast guide)
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Postby Sylvia » May 10th, 2004, 10:33 am

Hi Mike,

A quick question about your post. You quoted the FAQ section about how much salad veggies, etc. are acceptable. Are the salad and veggies OK for the full fast? I had read that section in the Quick Start booklet as being applicable to the modified program only. I also saw in one of Nancy's posts that 2 pickles a day was OK and that a small green salad was also OK on the full fast but wasn't sure about adding the other veggies noted in the FAQ. Would appreciate any thoughts or advice you have...

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Postby explorthis » May 10th, 2004, 11:34 am

Howdy Sylvia..

Check here (on Nancy's site) These are the FAQ links. I posted the one on the top, from the site, with basically anything you want to know, it's here: ... ebf49a80e9

There are 2 programs, as I know them:

Full Fast and Modified (includes veggies and "stuff"). This area will answer your questions. If you cannot get spefic info, come back, and I will try and be more specific, or the other folks will chime in before me!!


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Postby shineface » May 12th, 2004, 7:59 am


I am a BIG LOSER --- I haven’t been on line much lately because my job has had me really busy --- BUT I feel it is so important to let you know that you are in the right place!!!

I still get in here and read as many posts as I can – just not enough time to answer all of them or put my two cents in --- it’s driving me crazy BECAUSE this forum is life-saving!!! The information, people, care, concern and MF of course is what has given me the strength to achieve the awesome results I have gotten. THIS IS THE LAST DIET WE EVER HAVE TO GO ON – the last time I ever have to lose this weight!!!!

I am so glad you are here!!!!! AND look forward to being able to share on a more regular basis ---SOON – I need everyone!!!!

Keep shakin’ and readin’ and postin’ and slurpin’ and drink-drink-drink as much water as you can take – the whole combo is so important and….

WE WILL do this together!!! :stroll:
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