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First Posting!

Postby BichonFriseMomof3 » June 4th, 2005, 5:29 pm

Hey Everyone! This is actually my first time to post ...... I just couldn't wait another day to express all my joys....first for Medifast and then for y'all!

On March 12th, I decided something must change in my life or I would be headed for trouble sooner or later. My doctor had already doubled my blood pressure medicine in January and told me I MUST have some weight off by the time I returned for my June visit. He pointed out that I had gained 6 lbs in 6 months, putting me at a whopping 209. Of course, I told him he wasn't supposed to tell me how much I weighed; I wouldn't let the nurse say it out loud because I didn't want to know!! He said not only did I need to know but I should be very concerned and go home and work on developing an exercise program.

I did go home, but nothing changed, until the evening of March 12th when my husband and I were headed home after stuffing ourselves at the Olive Garden! We were miserably full and complained and griped about eating ourselves sick! I told him we (mostly me) had to do something quickly about this weight thing. I told him I remembered a shake diet formulated by doctors as well as administrated by them back in the 80's....I asked him, don't you remember it....THINK!!!!!! We thought and thought; and I KNOW God brought it to my memory. I said, was it Medifast??? He said yes, I believe so.

As soon as we got home and I drug my heavy ladened, well overstuffed body into the house, I jumped online and Googled for Medifast. I IMMEDIATELY ordered two boxes from the website and then right away began thinking that I couldn't do this!! I was afraid. Afraid after I got it I couldn't make it work or couldn't do it right! Or worse yet, that I would throw the box in a closet along with Anna Nicole Smith's successful diet pills, etc. And that is when I found y'all!!!

I read and read and read postings and was strengthened SO much!! I couldn't read enough! I read everything from being new and how to get started to how to handle maintenance once you arrive at your goal. Y'all have done an awesome job letting others know this is truly a one day at a time thing and that everyone is there for support and encouragement!! I was so encouraged, I plumb could not wait for my order to get in so I could get started!! Honestly!

That day came and on March 19, I began on my journey.... Medifast and me. To date, I have lost 34 lbs and feel sooooo good! This stuff is amazingly wonderful!! Being 5' 3", I plan on taking at least 35 more lbs off to put me close to where I should be. And I will do it!! And I will keep it off.....Nancy has provided so much encouragement and is such a great example of how it can be done!

I'm sorry this is so long, but I just had to say how special this forum is and truly how much all the posts have helped me, not only to get started but to stay on track. When I need pumping up....I come running to the forum!! Thank y'all so much!

Jo Anne
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Postby beautifulb » June 4th, 2005, 5:49 pm

WELCOME! You found the right place for support! I bet your doctor will be surprised when she/he sees you again. Congratulations on your weight loss so far! :thumbup: Keep up the good work.



One day at a time...nothing worthwhile comes easy!
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Postby 24KaratGold » June 4th, 2005, 6:03 pm

Wow! What a great story! Welcome to the boards, Jo Anne, and congratulations on your success to date. Have you been back to the doctor yet? I bet he's pleased with your progress, too.

Yes, this IS fun!

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Postby want2Bthin » June 4th, 2005, 6:32 pm


I am so happy for you. I just love MF. I bet you are feeling so good. You will be to your goal before you know it.

Angelia :mrgreen:
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Thank You!

Postby BichonFriseMomof3 » June 4th, 2005, 6:33 pm

Thank you Tena and 24Karat for that warm welcome! It truly is good to be here!

My doctor's appt is Friday morning, the 10th; and I do believe he will be very pleased. (Right after my appointment we are headed to Alabama for a wonderful family reunion....we will be back home late Monday evening, so I will post words of his excitement later on in the week). I am also going to ask him for a referral for a breast reduction....these double d's have hardly shrunk at all!!! I'm too excited!! At Walmart today my blood pressure reading looked out of this world; of course, I don't know how much one can rely on those machines, but it looked good anyway!!!

Thanks again for the welcome and for the encouraging words!
Jo Anne
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Postby martha » June 4th, 2005, 6:52 pm

Was really so glad to see your post and your sucess with MF. I know your doctor will be pleasantly surprised with your success.. glad to have you on board and have a very safe and blessed trip to Ala. My husbands people are all from Ala..The Loxley,Mobile and Foley areas..Glad your blood pressure is getting better.. my mom has the same problem and she really feels alot better when it goes down.. will be looking for your post when you return.. Martha
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Postby LilMsTexas » June 4th, 2005, 7:01 pm

Welcome's so wonderful to have you joining in on all the fun. It's always amazing to me how anyone can read and read and not jump right in ;) I'm glad you're out of the closet lol

I can't wait to hear how the family AND the doctor reacts to you! Is your husband doing it too? Have a great time on your trip and I'm looking forward to hearing about all your success.

Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby tnanock » June 4th, 2005, 7:59 pm

Hi Jo Anne!!!

So glad you are doing wonderful....I would love to see the doctor's face when you walk in the door next Friday. :shock:

I restarted as of Tuesday and will be changing my stats at the bottom shortly. I too am loving Medifast!!!

I was reading your post and I said to myself that you sounded like you were from the south. So I scrolled up and sure enough....I saw you are from Arkansas.....So am I!!! I've noticed some other Arkansans on here's nice to know that there are others close by!!!!

Talk to you later.


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Postby DonicaB » June 5th, 2005, 11:42 am

Jo Anne~~I am sorry to be so late in welcoming you but I have been out of town for about a week.

Thank you sooooo much for sharing your life with us. I was so encouraged when I read your post. :lol:

Like Chrisi said, I don't know how you managed to just be a lurker. I am glad you decided to officially join the group. :puter:

I look forward to talking with you more. :thumbup:

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Postby fatBgone » June 5th, 2005, 12:27 pm

Jo Anne,
Hi - it's nice to meet you. :byebye:

While I was reading your post, I realized that you and I started Medifasting close to the same time. I started on 3/17 - just a couple of days before you. We've both lost about the same amount too and are reaching towards the same goal. I'm just a little taller than you and I'm trying to get to 140, but I would be happy with 135 too. When I read about your 34# loss - I thought :yes: "How Great" and it made me realize that I should feel better about my loss too. :o The last few weeks have been going really slow for me, so I was starting to think that I wasn't doing as well anymore, even though I'm thrilled with losing what I've lost, I really wanted to lose most of this flab before summer was over and now I'm wondering if that's doable at the slower rate I'm dealing with right now. :huh:

I had to laugh at the fact that neither of us are losing much in the bra area. (not that it's funny at all, but you know what I mean....I guess misery loves company...sorry) What's up with that?? :scratchhead: I've complained about mine in a couple of other posts (in a funny way), but it was nice to see I'm not the only one with this problem. :pet: Most women are complaining because they lose there first and don't want to and then here we are losing everywhere but there.

I feel SOOO out of proportion right now....I can wear a 12 or 14 pants now, but I still need a 1X top. :x I've been telling a couple of my friends that I am going to check into having a breast reduction too, so please let me know what your Dr. says when you ask for the referral. I know I won't be able to afford it if I can't get my insurance company to cover it - & I have alot of neck & upper back pains that I think are probably due to this extra baggage.

Ok, then - one more thing....where in Arkansas are you? I'm in Austin Texas and I'm trying to think of a nice (somewhat close) beach to take my kids to in July and was thinking of Mississippi or Arkansas. We're bored with the Texas beach and just want some new what are the beaches like there?

Well, I think you'll really enjoy being a part of this forum. Everyone is super nice and it provides alot of accountability, motivation & support, so I'm glad you've decided to add your thoughts instead of just reading ours. Looking forward to reaching our goals together!! :stroll:
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Postby fedup » June 5th, 2005, 6:07 pm

Joann... your doc is gonna flip on Friday! Keep us filled in on the reaction! 8)
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