Hi Emma!

(I love your name...I wanted to name my middle daughter Emma or Emily but my DH wouldn't let me...thought it was too old fashioned....what a tootie-patootie

Anyway, welcome here....you're doing great so far!!

I have been on the plan since 3/17 and totally agree that I have never been on a diet before where I felt so good - and in control!

I like the tastes of almost everything

and LOVE the fact that I don't have to measure and count points and all that stuff. It's just so easy to stay on track!
I just finished a wonderful delicious salad and was on the phone with one of my friends and told her how funny it is that I can feel so satisfied from a simple salad that I TRULY enjoyed - whereas a couple months ago I would not have eaten a salad by choice....only as a side dish with a meal at a restaurant.
Since you just weighed today - you should go to the Sunday Roll Call and post your loss. We do that every Sunday - so it's something pretty cool to look forward to each week. Also, starting in June, we're going to start having monthly measurements...(thanks to Christi!!!)
Ok then - and now about the ticker....just go to tickerfactory dot com and then scroll through the screens until you find one you like. Then you copy/paste the bbc code and go to your Profile here on MakeMeThinner and put it in your "signature". Then on Sundays, it's fun to choose a new one after Roll Call - or whenever you want to show your losses.