First Goal Achieved

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First Goal Achieved

Postby Sylvia » June 22nd, 2004, 8:58 am

Hi Everyone,

After 7 weeks and 1 day on the program (but who's counting??!) I have made it to my first goal of 25 pounds lost - actually 25.6. I am a third of the way to my goal. Even more importantly for me, today was the first day in the last 9 years that I stepped on the scale and did not see a "2" as the first number in my weight. I plan to never see it again!

The program has been both harder and easier than I anticipated when I started. Easier because after those first few difficult days I haven't really been hungry and I've felt very good. I've also found it easier to deal with work and social situations involving food than anticipated. Harder because I thought the weight would come off a little more quickly. The last couple of weeks have been a bit slow but I seem to slow down some and then speed back up again so I'm hoping for another speedy weight loss phase coming up soon.

The most important thing is that I am both focused and motivated. I am confident like I've never been before that I will do this now for good and that if I'm true to the program I will be successful. Just need to keep at it. Even if it takes longer that I want it to, it will still be a short time in the scheme of things.

We can all do this together!

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Postby explorthis » June 22nd, 2004, 9:52 am

After 7 weeks and 1 day on the program (but who's counting??!)

I am counting. Today marks 287 days ago I began Medifast. I know it like I know what's in my wallet. I have a large 3-month day view calendar in clear view right in front of me. Everyday I add one more day to the list. I don’t know if I will ever stop. It just reinforces my commitment to Medifast, and what it did for me.

Something I shall NEVER forget! 9/8/03, 287 days ago, beginning of my new life. Sylvia, you keep counting every single day. Everyday is one day closer to your goal, and pounds that will NEVER be seen again.

Congratulations on the "ones" now, never seeing the "twos" again!!!

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Postby Landylue » June 22nd, 2004, 5:39 pm

Dropping below that 200 mark on the scales. Can there be anything that feels as good--besides, of course, hitting that final goal.

Congratulations on both of your achievements.

We're all smiling with you.

Failure is NOT an option!
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Postby Lois » June 25th, 2004, 8:23 pm

Way to go, Sylvia!!!! Keep up the GREAT work 8)


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