first day third try

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first day third try

Postby kira_r » November 15th, 2011, 3:29 pm

so im 17 and im trying to loose weight so i started medifast and i keep finding my self cheating.
today is the first day and its been haaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrd and i have my doubts on if i can even do this i feel horrible and hungry all the time
i just feel like i need to go back to my old habits and eat junk
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Re: first day third try

Postby Nancy » November 16th, 2011, 8:58 am

Hi, Kira ~

Welcome to the MakeMeThinner Forum! The first few days are hard because you are making changes. Remember the first week of school? It is hard to remember the names of the teachers, where your classroom is located, which book ya need to bring to each class, etc. After a few days, you get your schedule down and you don't have to think about where yo go when the bell rings; you are on auto pilot.

The first week on the 5 & 1 program is different from what you've been doing and it takes effort to plan your day. You really ought to not be super hungry if you eat at regular intervals - space out each packet at two and one half hour intervals and guzzle a lot of water. There is fiber in each packet that will 'plump' up if you drink adequate water and that helps your tummy feel fuller. You may be a little hungry for a few days - you've probably been hungry before even when you were not watching whatcha eat, right? Hunger is a natural thing; often when we feel hungry, it is our bod sending us a signal to drink more water.

Hang in there, after a few days, it gets easier!
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Re: first day third try

Postby Nancy » November 16th, 2011, 8:59 am

PS if you go back to your old habits, you will get the old results...
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Re: first day third try

Postby tomsolanto » December 11th, 2011, 5:16 pm

My first two weeks were kind of tough. What I did was to drink low sodium chicken broth with fresh mushrooms. I had a pretty big bowl and it helped a lot. I don't even bother anymore, just don't need it. Mushrooms are bulky and they only have about 15 calories per cup, the broth is really low too. It got me through it, hope that helps some. I found that if you are so hungry that you are miserable it is more likely to become a failure. Don't give up! Mushrooms have helped me get through this and like I said, I don't even do it anymore. Your body gets used to low calorie after a while.

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Re: first day third try

Postby Nancy » December 13th, 2011, 11:53 am

The first week or so is when our body is adjusting to the lower calories, increased water input (at least for most people; we find the average person does not drink very much water!) and detoxification. Boullion or broth is most helpful and your choice of adding mushrooms is good; it allows your teeth to munch and your tummy to feel not forgotten. :bib:
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