First Day - So far so good

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First Day - So far so good

Postby Julie » March 3rd, 2006, 9:27 am

That's AWESOME :yay:
I am on my first day. So far so good :D I seem to be hangin there. Can someone tell me are shakes considered a meal ?
Can you have lets say a MF soup and shake together for a lunch ?
So far i have had oatmeal for bf and a shake, mid snack i had another shake .I plan on having chicken noodle for lunch, I don't have the crackers yet. Is there anything else you could have or just the soup?
mid afternoon i will probably have boullian for dinner i will have my L&G. then my evening snack maybe another shake or bar. Is this a good plan ? Am i missing something ? Oh yeh and i have been drinking my water ! lots of trips to the bathroom :o

Thanks for your help ;)
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Postby aphrael » March 3rd, 2006, 11:31 am


Welcome to the boards.

I see a couple of problumes with your plan. The shakes are a meal so you shouldn't have them with the outher supplements like the oatmeal or soup. The other thing I saw was you are planning on having the bar at night. You should have your bar durring the day when you are most active, it shouldn't be your first or last supplement of the day since it has the higher carbs and calories your body wont process it. Make sure you are eatting a supplement or your l+g every 2 - 3 hours.

But other than those finer points you have the right idea and sounds like you are off to a great start !

Keep up the great work

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Postby MusicalMomma » March 3rd, 2006, 12:20 pm

Hi Julie!! Welcome!!! Did you get a "Quick Start" book with your first order? You should have. That book is the medifast bible!! It has ALL the medifast info, like what IS and IS NOT a meal, in there. Read, re-read, then memorize's a life saver :) As for the bars, it hasn't really affected me what time I eat them. Sometimes you may have no choice but to eat one on the run in the morning or at night....but as rule, try to enjoy a bar mid-day :)

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Postby Dayna » March 3rd, 2006, 12:46 pm


Just in case you missed it, Nancy went through most of your questions in this post:

Like Joyce said, go through the Quick Start booklet. It does a good job of spelling out just how to follow the program. I would also recommend the book Success in a Shaker Jar, which you can order from the same place you order your food (whether that's your health advisor, or through Take Shape For Life, or the actual Medifast site/number). It really details the program from start to finish; how to prepare, how to work the program, and how to maintain.

Most important, I think, is to eat the supplements as directed. One at a time, 2-3 hours apart, no more than one bar (eaten in the middle of the day), and get them all in. In no time, you'll be shrinking out of your jeans, and you'll feel great.

- Dayna
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Postby Guest » March 3rd, 2006, 1:12 pm

Thanks to all who answered my questions. I didn't have the shake with the soup. :) I have a real problem in the evenings, thats when i want to eat everything in site :x so i thought if i held out on the bar until the evening i wouldn't be so hungry :cry: Does anybody have any other suggestions or the same issue at night ?

I can do this, I know i can.. :yes: Thank you Nancy for that Forum it is really very helpful ;)

Keep on truckin :goteam:
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Postby aphrael » March 3rd, 2006, 2:13 pm


I too struggle the most in the evenings. Rid your house (if you can) of all temptation!

I drink a lot of non-caffinated hot tea in the evenings. I also for my last supplement will have a pudding, or hot chocolate with a SF flavored syrup. I might get ambisouse one of these days and make the oatmeal cookies for an evening treat. That might help you get through the hard times.

Good luck, if it gets too bad get an allowed beverage and read through the mesage boards.

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Postby scrabbler7 » March 3rd, 2006, 4:07 pm

Hi there Julie - glad you could join us! :wave:

There are some freebie foods that you can have in addition to the MF meals (celery, bouillion, certain pickles). Look at your quick start guide which details them all. Personally, I always keep celery in the house and I usually munch a piece of that each evening. It helps me with my need to chew and it makes me feel like I've had a snack. You could also have a cup of bouillion in the evening as well.

If you space your meals out, every 3 hours, you should be having that last meal about 9 - 10 p.m. depending on how early you are up ... so make that last one a cup of hot chocolate on these cold winter evenings. Makes it seem like a treat. And I LOVE the hot cocoa. mmmmmm

All this food talking makes me realize it's almost time for my dinner ... chicken and wild rice soup, here I come.

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Postby Julie » March 4th, 2006, 7:35 am

Thanks you gusys for the advice :D I really screwed up last night and had some sunchips :x I am so disappointed in myself :oops: I am so glad this forum is here or i dont think i could do this. I am back on track this morning and ready to go. I know i can do this :yes: I can!

Thanks so much !!!!!!!!!!
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Postby Jan » March 4th, 2006, 8:56 am

Hi There,
Having the bar in the evening may not be a good idea. Sometimes it gives you a "carb push" and keeps you awake at night. Groan. It is a individual thing though -- some diabetics need to have it at night to keep their sugar levels from dropping too much. If it were me I'd try making the oatmeal cookies and have them with a cup of decaf tea in the evening. Part of it is a habit of sitting and snacking. The cookies will be a meal --but they may help you get through the evening. Eat them slowly.
If you decide to stick with a bar -- I sometime sliver it into as many thin slices as I can get. Then I slowly eat them one at a time. I don't if this would work with the granola bars -- they may not slice -- but the caramel nut one does fine.
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Hi Julie!

Postby Ginabobina1969 » March 4th, 2006, 9:11 am

Welcome to the boards!! :)

Everyone has already given you some wonderful advice.

For me, I am still learning myself, but what has helped me immensly to stay on the plan is I decided there is no if, ands, or buts. lol Also, the daily pledge in the weight room...there is something about picturing all my online friends watching me and reminding me of the pledge that keeps me from putting even One wrong thing in my

I alternate when I have my "bar of the day" somedays I have it as my second or third supplement and sometimes I have it as my 4th supplement, depending on how I am feeling that day and what things I have to get done..and when. If it's time for a supplement and I am feeling spacey, and I have NOT had a bar yet. I have it.

Try a cup of boullion or a cup of tea as someone mentions..drink LOTS of's a little hard to take at first but your body soon adjust and I have discovered the more water I drink...the faster the scale moves..downward! :D

we are allowed up to three celery sticks a day...if your really wanting something crunchy with your soup, maybe 1/2 or a whole celery stick either whole or cut up in your soup, depending on what kind your having.

In the very beginning, SF Jello is something very handy to keep in the fridge.
I generally only have a pack of mf crackers and a few sf mints my snacks for the whole day now..but in the beginning I needed to be able to have something "different" and plan compliant, when the craves came on.

You can do it!! Just trust in your own willpower and use it to kick those cravings to the curb.


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Postby THINKTHIN » March 4th, 2006, 9:30 am

Hello, Julie!

Welcome to the eighth wonder of the world!!!! :-)
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Postby Nancy » March 4th, 2006, 11:35 am

Julie ~

It is rough in the beginning to not return to our former foody ways - the nights can be :twisted: killer! We emptied out our cupboards and the freezer so we wouldn't be so tempted and we still keep them bare...evil :twisted: things lurk in there and they call out our name when we are tired, have not eaten on time or are bored...Don't answer the call of the cupboards, Kids! ;)

Those old habits don't die easily...

Try some mustard on celery - it's not too bad. Sounds weird, I know but it works for me!

Dayna, thanks for giving Julie the link to my reply. I thought I had written a reply to her already. It is easy to lose things among the different web rooms and MakeMeThinner Peeps, I thank you for your assistance - you ARE the best!
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I did it !

Postby Julie » March 5th, 2006, 4:25 pm

Hello everyone :wave: thank you for all your support ! I made it through the 1st three days. :whoohoo: The first day being the toughest. After my second day i was no longer hungry. I had to force myself to have my last meal last night because i was not hungry at all. I dont know if it is because of the weekend and I stayed very busy, but i hope this is how i will feel at work.
This is great! Now if i can only see those pounds coming off, I will be a much happier person :D

Hope you all had a great weekend !

:cleader: ~Cheers
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Postby DogMa » March 5th, 2006, 4:34 pm

They'll be coming off in NO time. I hope you have some smaller clothes ready!

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Postby Marseilles » March 6th, 2006, 6:08 am

Congratulations on getting through your first few days Julie, that is the hardest part for sure!

Looking forward to hearing all about your weightloss journey and getting to know you along the way!

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