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Postby somethingnew » January 11th, 2006, 4:32 pm

Thanks for all the input, I guess peanuts is off my list then......

I hope this headache phase goes away soon, it is really beginging to make me irritable :cry:

otherwise so far so good, I am amazed on how I have been able to control myself as far as food goes, I depend on food whenever I am stressed out or just bored it's ridiculous.

Good Luck to all. :lol:
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Postby Guest » January 11th, 2006, 5:15 pm

Dont give up.

It will pass, I promise.

I am one of those eaters that hid food, ate before meals so that people wouldn't think I was eating too much, and then I would plan to eat after the meal. I ate leftovers in the middle of the night b/c I couldn't stop thinking about the food in the fridge.

I'd eat watching tv, driving, Id go to McDonalds and get cheeseburgers just b/c it sounded good. I ate everything in sight.

Im rediscovering what a healthy food relationship is. Medifast is my tool.

If you really want this for yourself...dont give up. Give it a chance. You deserve it!!!! :cleader:

We are all here to go thru this together!
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Postby Eander5696 » January 11th, 2006, 5:16 pm

Sorry that above post was mine. I wasn't logged in!!!
Food is fuel. Nothing more.


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Postby aphrael » January 11th, 2006, 8:58 pm


Try a cup of bouilion for the headachs. Sometimes it is the lack of sodium that can cause the headachs.

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Postby Guest » January 12th, 2006, 9:51 am

Today is a better day actually, no headache. Thanks for the advice I tried the cup of bouilion last night and I felt a little better. However I was alittle dissappointed this morning I didnt lose anything, oh well today is a new day.

Thank you Eander for the advice, I can totally relate to you, I love food when I eat breakfast I am already thinking about lunch and etc... But I am doing really good so far.

Good Luck to All!!! :mrgreen:
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Postby Eander5696 » January 13th, 2006, 11:34 am

Awesome! I find too that when I drink the boullion late in the evening, my body likes to hold on to water with it.... :x

Im sure its just because of the salt!

Just think of the long term benefits...not only are we losing weight, but....

We are getting healthy. And...we are gonna be so much happier once we get there! Im on day 5...just put in another order with Medifast. I made steak, baked potatoes, and corn in butter sauce for my bfriend last night, and I trudged thru it with a pickle in hand, thinking of all of the things that I want for myself.

Another thing I found that works with cravings....I say to myself...."You can have this at some other point in your life, but not right now. It will be there, its not going anywhere" It always passes.

PM me if you need to chat or vent or anything.....Im learning day to day as this new way of life progresses!
Food is fuel. Nothing more.


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