First Day Over!!!

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First Day Over!!!

Postby MorningIce » October 8th, 2005, 11:23 pm

Hi all! Just finished my very first medifast day!! :D Woohoo! It seemed pretty easy...was able to resist food at the mall AND food at my mom's house...with my lil' sister eating cake right in front of me :shock:

So here was my menu today:

7am oatmeal
10am shake
1pm bar
4pm shake
7pm soup w/garden crackers
10pm salad w/sprouts, morningstar farm burger patty.

Does that sound alright? I got sooo many seems like maybe I should eat more of them per day?? anyway, looking forward to tomorrow, the next day, the next week, the next month...and saying goodbye to my wobbley bits! :D
Start 10/8/05...End ???

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Location: Portland, OR

Postby betz » October 9th, 2005, 9:11 am

Your meal looks fine to me. :) Are you drinking all the water too? Don't forget the water!

Everyday is different for me. Some days my meals look just about like yours--except I start much earlier (5am). Other days I have mostly shakes and maybe a soup (as far as just the MF meals go). You can mix it up however you like/need.

On the days I feel hungry I start with the oatmeal, for lunch I have a soup with the crackers--that really fills me up. On days that I don't feel hungry--I have mostly the shakes.

Sounds like you're off to a great start. Good luck! Those pesky wobbley bits will be gone before you know it. :)
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