First Day - litte fat cells have much to be scared of!!!

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First Day - litte fat cells have much to be scared of!!!

Postby sydney_gavin » January 25th, 2007, 9:33 pm

Well, the first day has been and gone and in fact I'm halfway through the second day.

Wow - why didn't find this earlier - this is an amazing program - no hunger, delicious meals and the day just flew by without any ill effects.

I actually couldn't believe that I had 6 'meals' - six times to enjoy something yummy in my mouth. I am so used to having three meals and waiting 5 hours between etc etc when I have tried to lose weight that this is really easy.

Ok, ok, ok - I kow it is only the first day and the ketosis headaches are yet to come hehehe - but I was pleasantly surprised.

I had to fight my wife last night for my chocolate pudding hehehe - she thought it look a lot better than what she was having.

So, fat cells, get working on your resumes - you are going to be joining the queues of the unemployed lickety split.




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