First day down

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First day down

Postby purplepansy » November 12th, 2004, 6:43 am

good morning all,
I awoke this morning and had a smile on my face. I completed day one. This is such a trumiph for me. I have been binge eating for three years, the last 6 months totaly out of control like a drug addict.

I have been heavy all of my life, with periods of thinness here and there. I lost weight in late teens and was actually a perfect weight for my size. I am very petite. 5'2'', small boned(size 6) but I have alot of muscle from dancing on a dance team then going to a studio where I dance in many shows a year. After both my children I got very small, a few people said I was TOO thin. What people didn't realize is that they always knew me heavy. 125 is not too thin for someone my size! Over the years I yo yo'd, staying between 170 and 215.

In 1998 I was soooo sick of the weight. I went on a crash diet, eating cottage cheese and gallons of water. I lost 50pds very quickly. I was eurphoric! I wore belted pants and fitted shirts and the compliments? ohhhh boy.... It was wonderful. I relished in this till 2001 and for some reason. I got sick of 'watching' what I ate. I started to slowly gain. I've had some personal problems lately, some have ironed out, some I'm sure never will and I started using my old ways of using food for comfort. My comfort was the tv remote, laying in bed with a cake or a gallon of ice cream. Eating like this has put 50 pds back and then some.

I tried over the summer to do weight watchers and watched my friends lose steadily. While I stayed OP for two days and binged the rest. I gave up.

In July my 63yo mother had a stroke ( no risk factors, thin, vegetarian, perfect blood pressure), she walks five miles a day) I was in shock. If she can have a stroke then I am DOOMED. We found out my mother has plague and a cholesterol of 400 due to genetics. She is doing well but will be on medication the rest of her life.
On a routine doctor appt visit ( urgghhhh) I told the nurse I was so disgusted and depressed and maybe I should go on lexapro ( I heard that lessens cravings). She told me about medifast. The rest is history.

So now I am down day one. I know this is just the start but getting through that very first day is a big accomplisment for me. Now anything is possible.
Thank you for listening..

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Postby Sylvia » November 12th, 2004, 7:03 am

Just take one day at a time in the beginning. Before you know it the days will turn into weeks and this will become second nature to you. I've been doing this just a tad over six months and am now transitioning off. If you had told me in May I could have done this for six months I would have said you were crazy! In retrospect, I did it and it didn't seem that long (or honestly, that hard).

Sounds like you got to that point of no return I was at when I started. That is the key first step I think. Just stick with it and you will be fine!

Good luck and please come back often for support, encouragement, cheers, etc.

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Good for you...

Postby gr8views » November 12th, 2004, 7:48 am

Yeah! You made it through day one!

Let's go for day two!! (As Sylvia said, it gets easier... That's my hope, too. I'm starting on day seven!)

I LOVE your signature line! We could do a whole topic based on this 'priceless' idea... What does everyone say? It could be lots of fun!


(PM me if you need support or encouragement...)
Start Date: November 6, 2004


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Cottage cheese diet

Postby imfat » September 10th, 2005, 3:53 pm

Can you tell me the diet u used to get of all that weight was it just cottage cheese that you buy in stores or did you make it special.
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started today

Postby symone » September 12th, 2005, 8:28 pm

Well I'm wrapping up my first day on Medifast. It wasn't too bad. I was a little hungry throughout the day but I thought about the weight I want to lose and stayed strong. My current weight is 248. I would like to lose about 98lbs. I'll keep everyone posted of my progress. Any cheerleading is greatly appreciated.
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Postby dlr2424 » September 13th, 2005, 4:12 pm

symone...... :wave: ......welcome........... and one thing you will recieve from this forum.....among many others ... :cheerleader: great cheering........ :coach: .......YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!........ :mrgreen: ......just take it ONE SHAKE AT A TIME.... :dance: .....and before you know it you will be in THIN MAN"S LAND........... :whoohoo: ..........


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