First Day and Feeling like crap...

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First Day and Feeling like crap...

Postby LaureenV828 » March 21st, 2005, 11:47 am

Hi there !

I just started today , i must say i love the french vanilla it reminds me of vanilla cake batter after blending up the mix , so far i have this HUGE pounding headache which i have taken an advil for but
did not work , :x i am at work in my cube so no one can see me rubbing my temples

I hope it gets better as i keep saying i can do this just 2 more days of the horrible bad food with-drawls....

I am looking for some one to chat with on AOL , if any one wants to IM me , please do i need a quick pick me up from a medifast buddy !!!

Thank you all !
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Postby 24KaratGold » March 21st, 2005, 11:52 am

Hang in there Laureen! Yes, the first three days are a pain in the south end of a northbound horse, but it WILL get better and you WILL be very pleased and proud of yourself once you get through them, and next Sunday when you weigh in and report at Roll Call.

You can do anything for just three days, can't you?

I really, really want to see you succeed at this, because I wish so much that this was a tool I had had when I was in my twenties. What a difference it would have made in my life!

You are in the right place for lots of support -- call on us as much as you need us right now to get through. PM or email me if you want or need to at all. And good luck -- you CAN do this!

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Postby Unca_Tim » March 21st, 2005, 12:21 pm

Hi Laureen,
Sorry you're having a rough 1st day.

....and a couple aspirins should fix you up...:)

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Postby cplantho » March 22nd, 2005, 10:09 am

"South end of a northbound horse"!?!?!?! LOL :roflmao:

ANYWHO.....Hang in there, Laureen! The crappiness of the first few days is more than made up for by how wonderful you'll feel later. I was one of the unfortunate people that had a horrible first 3 days. It can be done!


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Postby Kauket » March 22nd, 2005, 12:09 pm

Hi Laureen!
Those first few days are rough. But you'll be AMAZED at how much better you feel once you get over the first hump.

Come read the boards if you need a lift, it's always here for you. :)
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Postby LilMsTexas » March 22nd, 2005, 1:07 pm

I wanted to DIE the first 3 days because of my headache...that by the way lasted all 3 days and was the worst on the second and third day. Seriously it was does pass. Try Motrin if you can and go as high as 800mg if you don't have any medical reason not to (live problems ect.). Use a wet wash cloth and go to bed early and try and sleep it off. It sucks :x Wish I had my aim on at work but I can't. I'm an aol user too, I just don't get to use it during the day except checking my email. I wish we had instant messaging on here...that would ROCK when we saw others online for some actual one-on-one chat time when we need it the most.

Sweetie all I can tell you is let it pass and think about all the garbage trying to escape your body right now. Drink as much water as you can and my health advisor told me to eat some celery and salt or boulion (sp?) because we need some salt.

Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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DAY 2 -Feeling Better ....

Postby LaureenV828 » March 22nd, 2005, 1:17 pm

Hi Every one !!!

Thank you all for your support , today is day 2 and i dont have any headaches i felt dizzy and sort of sick this morning but it passed and i am feeling much better , i could not have made it with out you all , I am not really hungrey i have to remind my self to eat , and i am writing all the times i make a shake down and i love the chicken noodle soup i had for dinner last night it was yummy , the wild rice is ehhhh ok ....needs some fixing up .

Thank's again , ill keep every one posted on how i feel !!!

God Bless you all ,
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Postby cthrn007 » March 22nd, 2005, 4:48 pm

Hi there!! So glad your headaches are gone!!! Having salt helps the dizziness BIG your 2 pickles and drink Bullion or add it to your soups. Believe it or not - it cured the dizziness for me!!

Hang in there!! Nothing but skinny-city ahead after this hurdle!!

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Day Three

Postby Guest » March 30th, 2005, 11:10 pm

Today is day three for me and thought I would do fine, the first day I had a BAD headache and took excedrin and laid down and it went away, Day two I felt weak and dizzy but pushed on, Today has been HARD. And I have the start of a headache and it is late so I hope the Excedrin will kick in so I can sleep. I am worried with the weekend coming up, I always cook large dinners for my Family on weekends becuase during the week it is to hard with school and keeping up with our business! (self employed) And to top it off we are in the process of building our new house so my parents have been coming up every sunday to see the progree and so I cook for them too. This weekend they all want me to make sour cream chicken enchaladas......yum! But I know I can't have them. I HOPE I can make it through that meal! I have been doing the total fast, no lean & green. I so hope this works for me. I have 100 pounds to loose and I am so tired of carrying all this weight around. My Daughter is graduating this May and I so hoped to have some weight off by then. This is going to be a hard road for me! I have turned to food as comfort and as enjoyment at times and I need to get past that! I have a long road ahead of me! I hope I can make it! I know once I get this weight off I will feel so much better and Look much better. I just need to keep telling myself not to give up. No matter how stressed I get I need to stick to the plan. Oh I am so glad i found this site!!! I love to come in and read the boards. It helps so much. Since I ordered off of the MF website I though I would have a "helper" who would contact me and I haven't heard from anyone so I started searching the web and found you all. THANK GOODNESS! It has helped so much! Thank you!!!
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Postby doglover » March 31st, 2005, 6:33 am

Hey guest - don't forget to have some bouillon or fast soups (if you ordered them). Especially the first couple weeks. I didn't and felt like CRAP for a week.
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Postby dlr2424 » March 31st, 2005, 6:34 am

Guest....I'm so glad you found this forum...first let me tell you.....YOU CAN DO IT.....YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOU THINK....& those sour cream chicken enchaladas will be there when you reach are right in saying THIS IS HARD....but isn't anything that's worthwhile achieving have a price to pay? Was birth easy?... :hatch: ... Raising children?.... :nutz: .... Continuing education? ... :table: ....Marriage?... :hug: ... :roll: ...they're not always a bowl of cherries...but with perseverence the journey & the outcome can be wonderful. If you focus on YOU & being compliant your rewards will be great........improved health... :yes: ...great body.... :yay: ....increased self-esteem.. :whistle: ....the list is too numerous to mention...and the support you will recieve is amazing... :hug: ....the headaches will pass....and the weight will be flying off... :drive: ....list your reasons for wanting to achieve your them so they are visible...and read them over & over...and remember YOU CAN DO IT & YOU ARE WORTH IT

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