To Finishing 2004 In Style -- The Last 48 Days!!

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Postby Nancy » December 15th, 2004, 12:17 pm

Hello Dutch ~

I think of you every day when I rip the top off my Medifast Plus Women's Health Dutch Chocolate shake and say a little prayer for you.

It saddens me to know that you have not been able to internalize the things I've learned along the Medifast way. As much as we want our maintenance success to be your success, too, it is something that only you can do. We cannot do it for you. It is not an easy task. Weight loss IS hard and maintenance is even more difficult because it is not as tight and tidy as the weight loss phase.

We do know that you are disciplined - you've demonstrated it through your 100 day journey and your exercise routines. May this be the year that you truly get it together and get it back in control.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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Postby DutchChoc » December 15th, 2004, 3:53 pm

Thanks, all.

I'm truly in a thinking mood today (i.e. receptive) and I believe I've gone about as far down this road as I can reasonably go -- this road being the recklessness of trying to eat what I want, which includes "over"eating, and not get bigger than I like being. I've already gone there, frankly. This is no longer a fit or disciplined-looking body. If I feel enough like grossing y'all out, I'll take some more pictures sitting on the same weight bench. I know someone will read that and think I'm being too hard on myself, but, in fact, it's only true and I usually try to speak frankly.

Truth be known, how I felt about all this had a measurable percentage to do with why I stayed home from work today -- which wasn't a helpful thing, all in all. I still feel the same way and I had one of my bad days with food. Maybe I hoped I could 'hide' at home and start fixing my problem, kind of get myself together, but unfortunately, I performed the same bad operations that got me here. No logic.

So, maybe I'll have to re-invest in what works... with that will come increased use of clothes I bought that are too small, in many cases, and a return to one kind of order that I was able to cultivate. I'm not so willing to say that I'm disciplined -- if I am, it's micro-disciplined.

I hate what looms ahead in the near future -- a trip to NYC this weekend, a trip to FL next week, etc -- but maybe what I owe myself is above and beyond those petty concerns and I should just DO IT and let them all eat cake, if it bugs anyone. Few people would be able to absorb the negative impact all of this has on me, so how could I expect them to understand?

I appreciate each of you for offering your experiences, insights, and hopes. I DID learn that there are good people here!

Camille, "chicken", as I understand it, is a kind of 50's ? car stunt where two cars approach each other at top speed and the "chicken" is the one who pulls out of the way to avoid a head-on collision.

So ---- at a minimum, I'm closer to using the popular phrase "restarting". If not "now", there is sure to be only more damage "later". SO will certainly support me in doing it over.
Ending weight MF 10/2004: 126
Starting weight 12/1/08: 168 :-(
Loss December: -7/-0
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