Finally starting!

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Finally starting!

Postby VK » November 4th, 2003, 9:53 pm

Okay all, I finally received my shipment today so I’ll start my program tomorrow! I’m munching on some pistachios as I type this having indulged in every thing I like for the past few days while I’ve been waiting for my shipment. :oops: I’m excited and ready to get started! I ordered a starter kit plus an extra 2 weeks’ worth the chocolate 55 shakes, a box of hot chocolate and a box each of chocolate mint bars and a sampler box of bars. I plan to do the full fast with just shakes/hot chocolate/bars. I think if I eat chili or soup or oatmeal I’ll be tempted to eat other stuff. I’ll see how I feel. If I’m tempted to gnaw shoe leather I may do the modified plan for a while. Anyway, wish me luck - I’m ready to be a thin person!

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Postby Ellen » November 5th, 2003, 7:32 am

Best wishes for your first day!
I can't wait to see how revved up you get as the weight starts falling off.

Hang in there and pamper yourself for the first few days!

Have a great shaking day!
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Re: Finally starting!

Postby explorthis » November 5th, 2003, 8:11 am

VK wrote:Okay all, I finally received my shipment today so I’ll start my program tomorrow!

I think if I eat chili or soup or oatmeal I’ll be tempted to eat other stuff. I’ll see how I feel. If I’m tempted to gnaw shoe leather I may do the modified plan for a while. Anyway, wish me luck - I’m ready to be a thin person!


VK, so glad you decided to join us. I agree w/you, if you have the items such as chili, or bars around, you might be tempted to eat them. I am on the FULL FAST, and as of day 58 this morning, I am at a loss of 54# (a little distressing as I was loosing 1 pound a day, now I have to hussle to recoup that 4 pounds I am behind - KIDDING) IT W-O-R-K-S

As you read my posts, if I can do it, anyone can do it. Trust me when I say this. I was not your "slight over-eater" I was your POUNDER, and this is not a 1/4-pounder. I ate everything in sight. Lunch time was my favorite, because I could be alone - secretly getting as much to eat as I wanted, with no one to see me eat in the car!!!

Anyway, I promise it gets easy, as a small amount of time progresses. As you read from Tim, and the others the first 3 days are the hardest. I don't know if its the hardest due to your being used to eating whatever, or whenever you choose, based on your prior mindset, or your body going into ketosis, OR actually being hungry.

Once this 3-4 days passes, it becomes actually easy, other than the ocassional temptation of something, a commercial, or a meal sitting in front of you (not by choice) but once you see and feel the pounds coming off, and once someone comments to you, it just fuels your tank for wanting more, and helps you to stay on the program religiously.

At about day 30 I began receiving comments, just slight ones, now EVERYDAY I am fielding answers as to how I am doing it. This is the fun part, as the tonage is falling off, it is a great esteem booster when someone notices, or comments. Not to mention you feel great, I mean great. I have not felt this energetic in 20+++ years (I am 42 now)

Just hate it when the clothes (couple pairs of pants) I bought are falling off me... You will HATE it also!!!

Good luck. You MUST post results. This board will become very addictive, I am looking for posts on here 3-4-5-6 times a day, in hopes of seeing someone new, or a good story!!

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Re: Finally starting!

Postby Jeanette » November 5th, 2003, 10:40 am

explorthis wrote: Trust me when I say this. I was not your "slight over-eater" I was your POUNDER, and this is not a 1/4-pounder. I ate everything in sight. Lunch time was my favorite, because I could be alone - secretly getting as much to eat as I wanted, with no one to see me eat in the car!!!

Man, do I ever relate! I would do this type of behavior at lunch and then also sometimes in the evening. It is this secret eating that has gotten me to this size. That is NOT healthy.

I have always known that weight loss is as much of a mental game as it is a physical one. With MediFast, I know that it will definitely be put to the test.

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Doing okay so far on day one

Postby VK » November 5th, 2003, 11:01 am

Hello all. Here’s my 1st day, mid-day update. I’m usually at work by 7:30 so I got up and mixed a shake for breakfast at 6:00. I have the Dutch chocolate 55 and it smells and tastes a lot like a Wendy’s frosty that’s been left to melt. There’s a teeny aftertaste that reminds me of plastic or something synthetic, but it’s nothing I can’t handle, and it’s nothing a drop or two of the DaVinci syrups won’t cover. I don’t usually eat breakfast because eating anything before about 9:00 makes me queasy for some reason. (I can eat non-stop after about 9:00 though!) I drank the shake but I got my usual queasy feeling. I’m hoping once I get in the habit of being forced to eat something in the early mornings the queasiness will go away. Maybe if I start the day with a hot chocolate like a coffee replacement that might do it. Anywaw, I felt fine - no hunger at all, then I had a supplement bar at about 9:30 before my 10:00 meeting. Okay, I know some of you really like them, but I took one bite of the chocolate divine bar and I just could NOT eat it. It has a bitter/plastic taste that I just can’t take. :uhuh: Luckily I have the sampler pack (we all have to find what works for us, right?) so I tried the peanut butter one and that was okay, though there were some chewy things in there that I think are apple pieces. Seriously, are there dried apples in there? It wasn’t horrible especially compared to the chocolate divine bar, but I didn’t really like it. I’m hoping the non-chocolate bars will be better tasting.

So in about an hour I’ll have a ready-to-drink for lunch. I liked the shake mix okay so I’m assuming the pre-mixed version will be fine. For dinner I’ll have another bar, and I’ll have the final shake as a snack. I read that I can have a stalk or two of celery so I’ll go to the store and get some, but I really am not hungry. I never have really eaten big meals because eating a lot at one time gives me a stomach ache, but I can graze all day long! So the frequent meals program really fits my eating style anyway. I’m just replacing double cappuccinos and almond croissants with shakes! I'm also drinking my water and I've had two cups of Tazo's green ginger tea which is delicious!

I’m fairly certain this plan is going to be fine for me. If I can’t find a bar I like I’ll just go completely liquid with the shakes and an occasional hot chocolate. I had a physical before I started this plan and I’m in great health as it turns out. My cholesterol is excellent, my fasting blood sugar was 92, my blood pressure was 110/82, and my doctor gave me the go ahead for the plan. I have a history of diabetes and hypertension in my family and I know I have to really protect my good health, so I have to get this lard off now!

Of course I’m pretty chipper now because I’m not hungry. We’ll see how I’m doing later today or tomorrow.
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Postby Lois » November 5th, 2003, 2:42 pm

Hi everyone!


This is day #2 for me and I feel better than I did headache, and more energy!

Hang in there....we're gonna do this together 8) !!!!!

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Day one over

Postby VK » November 5th, 2003, 5:35 pm

Here’s to us gettin’ thin and healthy! :toast: I felt fine today all day, but on DAY ONE my big secret is already out. A coworker saw me with a box of the ready-to-drink and asked me why I felt the need to do anything as “drastic” as a liquid diet. I just told her I researched a lot and thought this was the best program for me. On the one hand I didn’t want to have to explain myself to anybody, but on the other hand I’m a little relieved that they know so they won’t offer me any of the things they cook and bring to work.

In other news, I did some major experimenting with the products today. There’s not one bar that I like. No, not one. All the bars covered in the chocolate have a very bitter flavor and an aftertaste that literally makes me shiver in disgust. The oatmeal bar is okay, and the lemon bar is kinda okay, but I can’t imagine eating them on a regular basis. The hot chocolate tastes fine, but it has teeny particles that simply will NOT dissolve! I made it with hot but not scalding water, and they wouldn’t dissolve. Then I poured that cup out and started over with a new pack, this time adding it to almost boiling water. Both times the little particles would not dissolve and the hot chocolate felt “thick” for lack of a better word. I have a thing about food texture and feeling particles float around in something I’m trying to drink just turns me off.

Thank goodness I like the shakes or else I’d really have issues with staying on this program. I know these aren’t going to be like meals at Dominique’s or anything - I have embraced reality that this is, after all, a diet plan. Still, I have to be able to at least stomach the stuff. So I say all that to say, I’ll be leaning on the shakes almost exclusively. I didn’t want to get into the soups or anything, but I have a sampler kit with a packet of chicken noodle in there so I may try that. And of course I can have up to three stalks of celery a day, and hey, who here doesn't just LOVE celery? :tongue: All jokes aside, I’m okay with the program and I’ll keep trying different products. I think the teas may turn out to be okay. I’ll just have to keep experimenting with products and see what comes of it.

Good luck all!
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Postby Ellen » November 5th, 2003, 8:25 pm


Glad you had a successful first day!

My suggestion for the bars, put them aside and wait a few days. After you get used to the liquid part of the diet, try re-introducing them. You may like them better then. Several girls I chat with at another site suggest cutting them up into little pieces and then freezing them in a baggie. They eat them frozen. I haven't tried them that way yet, but I do take tiny bites. In the beginning, I thought they were OK, now I think they're excellent!

I haven't tried the hot chocolate yet, but someone gave me a suggestion for the chicken noodle soup. They said to nuke it for four minutes, then let it set for 1/2 to 1 hour, then re-nuke for 3 to 4 minutes. I also add an extra half cup of water and a scant teaspoon of bouillon granules. I find that it is much improved this way and it has become a favorite of mine. I actually feel full for hours after eating the soup. Perhaps if you tried letting the hot chocolate set for 10 minutes and then microwaving that may help it to disolve better. I have heard that the chilli and the oatmeal both benefit from extra cooking, though I haven't tried either.

Well, hang in there and good luck with your next few days.
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Thanks Ellen!

Postby VK » November 6th, 2003, 7:42 am

Ellen, thanks for the suggestions for making the products tastier. Day 2 - no problems so far!
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Postby Unca_Tim » November 7th, 2003, 12:28 pm

Uh Oh Vk,
Did you say 2 bars?
Sorry to say, only 1 bar a day allowed.
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Postby susan » November 7th, 2003, 5:09 pm

hi. everone. about the bars I talked to the nurse at medifast and she told me that now they are recommening ony three bars a week since the calories are a little high .so thought I would pass this imformation along . the nurse said they are always trying to make things better. and welcome to all the newbies I really enjoy reading the forum just can;t stay away from it you learn so much from everone I wish you all lots of luck I think the program is fantastic .Susan :D
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Postby VK » November 7th, 2003, 6:58 pm


I couldn't even get through 1 complete bar because I didn't like the taste of them. I had a sampler pack and took about 2 teeny bites of each (you have to take teeny bites because of the texture) and just couldn't take the flavor. I'll be on the shakes exclusively. I'm off to a show at Blues Alley at 10:00 tonight. It's a dinner club but I'll just be having hot tea and lemon. It's my first restaurant encounter, but I'm not hungry and don't think I'll be tempted. My boyfriend is very supportive but says I look fine the way I am. Thank God love is blind!

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