I have finally decided to dig & dig until I found a photo of myself to post on here as my starting photo.........unca will post it when he gets a chance to as I emailed it to him.

Well I am finally trying to restart yes yet again, I just found out My husband and I will become grandparents for the first time in November of this year and this is when it hit me big time. I want to be healthy for myself and I want to be healthy for my Girls and especially my grandbaby who will be here before we know it. I don't want to be like I am now. SO I thought if I posted my picture it would make me want to prove to myself that I can do this and make myself look and feel better. I have also made an appointment to quit smoking, they couldn't get me in until May 3rd but that's ok I made the apt. They will use a laser on my pressure points & this is supose to make you quit smoking and quit craving the smoking. My Mother's Co-worker did it 2 weeks ago and she was a VERY heavy 3 pack a day smoker and she hasn't smoked or want to smoke since her laser treatment, and she had smoked for over 30 yrs. SO this is worth a shot to me, I would love to quit and loose this weight so I can be healthy again and get MYSELF back. I want to be ME again. So I am not a failure........I am not. I just fell off for a bit and now I am willing to get back up and try again.