Best of luck to you 2getskinny! I know that it is difficult. I quit smoking 10 months ago and it sure has not been easy. I used Zyban (Wellbuterin) for a month and it helped quite a bit..actually I think it helped too much because I lost my road rage (goodness I hate traffic) and I was way too mellow. Jeessh..glad I stopped taking that stuff. But anyway...I realized, for me, it was finally a state of mind. It was great that everyone felt the need to tell me how much I should quit for my health, for the family..blah blah blah...It was not until
I was finally ready that it worked and I made it last. Everyday I make a choice not to smoke and there are certainly days that I wanted to detour right to the store. Just like everyday we make a choice to stay on this MF plan and to not to cheat. Some days/weeks/minutes are better than others right?
I will be thinking of you as you are taking on the world of willpower (quitting smoking and dieting). That shows incredible will and strength!

It sounds like you have a lot to do to keep you both motivated and busy! And you have all of us!!