I finally made some clear goals!

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I finally made some clear goals!

Postby Mommy2girls » May 26th, 2005, 2:42 pm

I don't know how many of you are following who I am and what not (you can find my "story" in the Come on in forum) but I honestly had not thought to make any firm goals about MFing. Mostly because I'm doing this for the second time in my life and I really wasn't sure about where I wanted to end up, etc.

Well, I've been thinking and thinking and pondering and I decided to come up with an actual goal. For me, my first goal is to lose 55lbs.

That is exactly what I gained during my first pregnancy and I have a 4 year old who still doesn't weigh that much all by herself! :lol: After the first 55 is gone, I will consider doing more, but I may just try and maintain at that for a while before jumping down further. 8) I don't have and "end" date in mind, but I do have a wedding coming up in mid-July (that I'm attending, not ME getting married), and a family reunion trip to take in August. Initially I sort of mentally thought, if I could lose 30lbs by July that would be great. Well, now its the end of May and I'm down –22lbs, so that is seeming quite possibly real. I think that since this is my second time doing MF, I feel a lot of pressure (from myself) to maintain this weight loss. Since I didn't maintain it the first go round, it's almost like I just can't stand to fail again. So I've had a very different attitude this time around. At any rate I thought I would share (or ramble...depending on your opinion) that I'm happy I finally made a goal. I think it will be easier to stick to it having clearly defined my weight loss goal.

So I'm going to try and do the "ticker factory" to see how I'm coming along. Never done this before so bear with me...

<img border="0" src="http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/d/3;10729;129;0;0/c/-22/t/-55/k/f453/weight.png">

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Postby want2Bthin » May 26th, 2005, 3:40 pm


I couldn't agree more. I think it is very effective to have goals in mind. I myself have several types of goals. I have my total loss goal. But I also have mini goals. Everytime I get over the next 10 pound hurdle is huge for me. Then I have several others in my mind that will be huge for me when I get there.

I am glad you have set a goal. I think that you will achieve the first one very quickly. It is good to have something to work towards along the way until we reach our goal weight.

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Postby dlr2424 » May 26th, 2005, 5:24 pm

Sheila.........thank you so much for sharing that with us........ :hug: ......and also for coloring your post so pretty with your ticker..... :bouncie: ......Having a specific goal gives us something to shoot for.......... :shoot: ..............you will do great this time..... :clap: ........you have the conviction and desire......... :weightlift: .......my prayers for your continued strength........ :angel: .....

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Postby DonicaB » May 27th, 2005, 7:30 am

Sheila~~I think setting mini goals is wonderful. :clapclap: I also have set a mini goal at 30#, which seems to be slow going right now.

We are both going to make it this time and maintain it. You have an excellent attitude and a determined outlook. You are going to succeed, Sheila.

OH, your ticker looks great! :clap:

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Postby 24KaratGold » May 27th, 2005, 7:42 am

You DO have a pretty ticker, Sheila! And some great ideas that sound very do-able for your goals. You will WOW friends and family at the wedding and at the family reunion with how good you will look, and you are doing a good thing for your daughter by giving her a healthier mommy.

You sound like you have a real "do it!" attitude now, and that's at least half the battle. This forum is a great source of support, too. I used to get a lot of support from doing Weight Watchers, but only when I had a "buddy" who went with me; and the meetings were only once a week so if I had questions or struggles I didn't have anyplace to go for support or advice. This forum is open 24 hours a day, and there are dozens of "buddies" for support, advice and friendship. I really do think it makes all the difference. Glad you're here, and glad that you are seeing success -- it's very motivating when it works, isn't it?

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Postby noexcuse » May 27th, 2005, 12:00 pm

Hi Shelia,

I just wanted to say hi. Mini goals are great, I just recently sat down with a list of my own. I think the ticker is a great tool, I just started using one too. Congrats on you sucesses :lol:
Eccl 3:1 To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. (Now is the time to acheive your goal)


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