Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.


Postby sher » January 29th, 2004, 9:32 am

Well, I am losing in a strange way...first week was great, 7 pounds and THEN it became loss for 4 days....I HAVE DECIDED TO STAY OFF THE SCALE UNTIL WEEKLY WEIGH IN.....also, those little metaucil pills don't work , maybe I did not take enough...I will try taking more, silly bottle says 2-6 tablets, so what 2 will work, 4 will give you diahrea or :lol: :lol: :lol: well, there has got to be a better my question, is the appetite suppresant shakes different in the fiber area than the normal ones??? REALLY NEED AN ANSWER TO THIS ONE GANG......getting ready to place my thanks...wil try to post more, just had a huge storm here and we just got plowed out...
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Postby Kimbob » January 29th, 2004, 9:40 am

I don't know much about the metemucil, but I do know that for some people the liquid works better than the pills.

As far as the scale goes, I can't encourage you enough to wait that week before weighing. During the week you'll see those natural fluctuations and the last thing we all need is to get :x when the scale doesn't show constant loss. Once a week will show your actual weight loss and you'll see it steadily going down down down :) Take that scale and put it away in a closet where you can't see it every day. Then make a big ritual of the weekly weigh-in - it will always be a celebration! WOO HOO!

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Postby finalstraw » January 29th, 2004, 10:08 am

I have this mental hurtle, you know how you have daily fluctuations in weight, I fear that if I wait and weigh once a week, the day I pick to weigh will be that day that for whatever reason, the scale was up, and if I weighed the next day it would be down, but because I weigh once I week, I wouldn't now it. (thats one long sentence there). IT'S ALL MENTAL. :x

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