Fifty Pounds Lost--

Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)


Postby Leigh » April 22nd, 2004, 7:42 am

You are awesome!! :cleader:

Start date: 3/29/04

220/194/Goal weight ??
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Postby SneezyKitten » April 22nd, 2004, 10:22 am

Right on Pam! My gosh! 50 pounds! I looked at your start date -- two weeks after I started. And now I am starting over again. You are such an inspriration!!!!!!!!!!! I agree with Jeanette - ya gotta do a little something to mark the occasion! Perhaps a mani/pedi, or perhaps a new outfit (though it sounds like you wouldn't be in it for long!!!!!!!!) Or even just a bunch of flowers for yourself! PLEASE keep up the good work - I know we all get in to this program for our own selves, our own reasons, but your success story can help and benefit so many others - including me!

CONGRATS!!!!!!!! :-P
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Postby Nancy » April 23rd, 2004, 12:55 am

:byebye: :thumbup: :cleader: :hi5: :bounce:

Pam, all I can say is: WOWSER!!!

I am so proud of you and very happy to hear about your success!

Since Mikey did the math in the previous post, I can say, "amen" to his calculations. I averaged a half pounder a day, too.

Leopard Woman's spots are boinging all over with glee for you!

Cheers! :toast: (of COURSE the flute glasses are filled with a Medifast drink!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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Postby shineface » April 23rd, 2004, 5:10 pm

Hi All ----


Thanks so much for the support and the great read and ALWAYS being there for me!!!!!!!!

YES MIKE I BOW TO MEDIFAST -- what else, where else -- nowhere..nothing!!!!!

I MISS you all - don't have the time I'd like to spend on the forum like usual - but just for a couple of weeks while I play full time Innkeeper while the real ones are on vacation --- I'm living onsite and doing EVERYTHING -- 14 hour days --- if I did this before MEDIFAST -- I would've dropped dead -- there is no way -- none. Now I feel so good and can do so much more --- it's awesome!!!!!!!!

Love you all -- keep posting --- I try tos sneak in at least once a day and read my face off -- I love this forum!!!!!!!

WE WILL do this together!!!! :stroll:
Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
Start = 1/24/04 70 down 60 up
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Postby Marsha » April 25th, 2004, 7:43 am


I am way behind in reading posts - so, please accept this belated CONGRATULATIONS!

I am soooo happy for you! You are doing so well! I hope that you have been celebrating all month! What a milestone.

I have been watching your success for months, since we started about the same time...... And I'm right on your heals - 6 lbs to go for me to join the awesome #50 Club.

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