A few questions, if I may....

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A few questions, if I may....

Postby Marseilles » May 4th, 2004, 3:47 pm

Has anyone experienced hairloss on medifast? I'd love to get a post going on this one folks..i see an increase in hairloss and although I am not overly concerned at the moment, I could be if it gets out of control...

The BIG losers in the crowd..please forgive me if this oversteps any unwritten boundaries or offends anyone, it is certainly not my intent...How are people dealing with the excess skin left after all the weightloss? Does it firm up? Is it an issue? Anyone considering plastic surgery? Im more than curious...

I intend to lose about 60lbs, have thus far lost about 25..I am looking for advice and answers and I thank you in advance for your replies.

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Postby Landylue » May 4th, 2004, 7:16 pm

Marseilles, I am beginning week number 10 on the MF program, and doing shakes only. I have not experienced any hair loss. I'd be interested, myself, though, in responses on this issue, as I'll be doing the program for several more months yet.

The subject of loose skin was discussed by everyone a few weeks ago in a couple of really great threads:

Weight Room/Subject: Belly Apron, April 23, 2004
Weight Loss/Subject: Does fast weight loss leave loose skin?, April 7, 2004

Hope this helps.

Congratulations, by the way, on being almost at 50% of your goal.

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Postby Nancy » May 4th, 2004, 7:36 pm

Marseilles ~

I have addressed the issue of hair loss and excess skin a number of times, as have others and you may want to do a word search to read previous postings.

I did experience hair loss with Medifast and I did so with many of the previous weight loss programs I used in the past, too. The hair loss was temporary.

When I went on the complete fast, I used but five Medifast supplements, primarily shakes only for three months and now the program has changed somewhat - for the FIVE AND ONE PLAN (Formerly referred to as the "Modified Plan"), we suggest FIVE Medifast supplements PLUS the Lean 'n Green meal. For the complete program, we suggest five to SEVEN Medifast supplements - the added protein level helps to minimize or reduce the hair loss.

I also suggest that you take one of the following as a dietary supplement - Oil of Evening Primrose, or Flaxseed Oil or Biotin. I heard about the Oil of Evening Primrose just as I was about to reach my goal. Once I began to add foods back to my daily intake, my "fur" regrew. It is thick and healthy.

I know that for many people, their hair is extremely important. My heart health and life itself was more important to me than my hair. As I began to lose weight I gained confidence in the program and confidence in myself. I knew that I would be successful and if it meant that I had thin hair or NO HAIR but would be healthier and thinner, I was willing to be bald and thin! Of course I was not bald and every bit of my hair has regrown and did so very quickly. I have rather fine limp hair anyway - thus my wild hairdo. I guess you will have to ask yourself this question, What's more important to you? Hair? Health? Hair loss is temporary.

Re: excess skin. With Medifast, fat is lost, not muscle. The program puts your body in a very mild state of ketosis - this is a fat burning stage and that is exactly what happens: the stored fat is burned or utilized. The skin is the largest organ of our body and it firms up as the fat is lost. Once the weight loss is stabiled, the skin firms up. Be sure to do gentle exercise along the way or once you reach your weight loss goal to help you to maintain your weight loss.

I did not have surgery, I don't intend to have surgery as it is very costly and there are more important things to me than having the bod of a twenty year old. My photos on the website are unretouched. Would I like my thighs to be firmer? Sure! They probably could be if I spent some time with a personal trainer.

BM, when I weighed 258-265 pounds my hair was not perfect, I had more cellulite and flab than just about anyone I knew. Now that I am at a healthy weight, my hair is still not perfect nor is my bod but you know, I think that for a 55 1/2 year old woman, I am passable. I got pinched while shopping at Safeway and someone at the college whistled at me last week...
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Postby Marseilles » May 4th, 2004, 9:18 pm

Thanks very much for your prompt responses, they are greatly appreciated.

Nancy, the reason I ask about the hairloss is not only vanity but concern for what it is my body is lacking that has it doing this as well. I will take your advice and increase the shakes, for sure. I appreciate the advice. I do take Omega 3's, three times a day which I am told does the same as flax seed oil, or is the ocean version...I also take good vitamins and minerals and b6/b12 by injection.

Now admittedly, after reading the responses and the opinions held..I would like the weightloss and no hairloss. Granted, my hair is very long, curly and full...and has always been my security blanket as well as my greatest feature..it never got fat..I am emotionally attached to it. Ideally, Id like the perfect bod -and- great hair..LOL

Great for you Nancy, I applaud you..your pics are great and it is nice to hear the opinions of a longtime, long term loser such as yourself. You are an inspiration to the masses.

Funny how we get attached to certain things, I know..but alas, I am human. I hope I dont lose too, too much...hair; that is!! :?

Landy, thanks for your encouragement..I have trouble seeing myself as almost 'halfway' to my goal..puts a pleasant spin on things, doesnt it? :)

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Postby Nancy » May 4th, 2004, 9:42 pm

I don't mean to discount the fact that losing hair can be an issue - I had no one to ask questions of when I started on my weight loss journey. Although I had a health advisor, my HA just wasn't linked in to me very closely and of course, there was NO MakeMeThinner Forum! I had questions, worries, and wonderings and no one to ask! Blech!
I am rather vain. Ok, I AM VERY VAIN! Just ask Terry and Unca! I am REALLY TRULY POCK-A-DOOLY Extremely vain. I HATED it when my fur thinned out but again, I was so desperate to lose weight and to be healthy that I was willing to be bald or have a furry face if it meant I could lose weight!

Some vitamins are water soluble - that means if we get too many, we wee-wee them away. Others can be toxic if we get too many. Omega 3 is an important part of having a healthy heart and Terry gently urges me to take one a day. You are being very careful and I do understand your concern.

I want it all, too - luxurous fur, fabulous face and bod! So far, I have the latter. Waitin' for the face crinkles to disappear...
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