I haven't been around for a few days. Busy, busy busy. But managed to stick with the plan. My hubbie and I planned out where we were going and made sure we had shakes, bars and water with us at all times. We even packed food, a steamer for the vegetables, seasonings and boullion for our lean and green for dinner at his mother's house Sunday. Lots of food and cake there for his sister's birthday, but we stood strong. It was hard, but worth it. I just find I have trouble getting in more than 8 glasses of water in because of traveling so much and not having a bathroom in the car!

Anyway, this morning was weigh in and I lost 3.2 pounds, bringing my two week total to 13.8 pounds lost! Hubbie has lost over 21 pounds in two weeks. I have not seen him this happy in a long time. He's feeling more energetic and motivated to stay on plan.
Thanks again for all the support!