Feeling weak

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Feeling weak

Postby lakelandmarilyn » April 13th, 2006, 4:56 am

Fellow Medfaster's.This is my 14th day! I have gone from 205 to 193 this morning :woohoo: I havent been this succesful in years on a diet.Its a wonderful thing to actually forget to eat!I dont know how I ever got anything done before.I thought food 18 hrs out of the day at least.I would graze literally all day long.I do get all my meals in but am still feeling weak now and then.Could this be dehydration?Any ideas would be appreciated.

Also can someone tell me about the health advisor's ?I think thats what they are called.Can you buy food from them?or get support by e mail?I need all the support I can get right now.
Have a great day to everyone
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Postby falisamarie » April 13th, 2006, 5:21 am

Health Advisors support you and you can order through them. http://www.makemethinner.com/healthadvisors/ That is a link to some of the Health Advisors here at Make Me Thinner and my shameless plug as usual is that IMHO Jan is the best always there when you need her but I am sure the others are great too!

Welcome and I look forward to getting to know you better.

As for your weakness try a cup of bouillon and see if that helps it has done wonders for many here and it may just be that you need some sodium

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Re: Feeling weak

Postby Lizabette » April 13th, 2006, 6:39 am


Twelve pounds in 14 days! You are 'rocking' girl. :yourock:
You are already in the 10# Club, after you register with UNCA.

Hey, I woke up one morning after I started MF kind of dizzy and lightheaded. I did what LISA said and had some boullion. Did the trick!

Even if you forget to eat, don't miss any meals---it won't help you lose faster, in fact the opposite could happen.

You are doing so wonderful...just find you a ticker weight tracker and let us know every time you post how you are doing! :puter:

Ask for any help you need, and you will find it here!


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Postby supermom » April 13th, 2006, 9:09 am

Well, I just called the 800 number on the makemethinner page. Then, the person who answered the call became my health advisor. I think the number rotates through them. Yes, they can help you with your orders, they can chat with you online, and they will even call you at home. I spoke to Nancy for a long time on the phone before I actually ordered my products. Just be sure you register on the forum. It is free. That way, you can post pictures of your success and join the losers clubs. Welcome Aboard!! :mrgreen:
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Postby dede4wd » April 14th, 2006, 2:39 pm

Welcome Marilyn!

Glad to have you here! Please register so we can put you in the clubs as you lose pounds by the tens!

Sounds like you're all set up with a Health Advisor. Mine's GREAT! All the support I need, none of the bugging when I don't! You can order food from them, but everything still comes from MF, so you're covered!

As for the dizzy, make sure you're getting ALL your supplements, add boullion (I CAN'T SPELL) if you need to and I have a weird one. I was drinking SO much more water than usual when I started that I was losing electrolytes...Know what helped ME? Putting a little salt on my snack celery. Might work for you! Your Health Advisor can help you will those things too! We'll try as well!

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