by Lauren » August 28th, 2006, 2:04 pm
Hi, folks-
So, this is going to sound like one of those totally pathetic "are you kidding me?' posts - forgive me in advance!
I suspect this happens to many who've lost a significant amount of weight, but I am getting a little overwhelmed by the commentary and reactions of people recently.
My grandmom passed away last week, and I went home for the funeral and then to sit shiva. For anyone who doesn't know, shiva is in the Jewish religion, the immediate family of the deceased have visitors come visit after the funeral and pay their respects and essentially hang out to keep the mourners busy and surrounded by love and good memories (and they bring food, to help the mourners not have to work, etc.). It lasts a few days (depending on the family's religious observance). Anyway, I was there (obviously), and so were a million and one relatives and friends of the family who came to show their respects.
While people's reactions to me were initially very kind and ego-boosting, they started to make me feel uncomfortable. I had people staring from corners, talking to each other and pointing to me, complimenting me endlessly, asking if I am so happy now, etc. People were coming to the house and saying things like, "where's Lauren, I heard she looks great, and I can't wait to see her." Let's not even address the fact that they are there to honor our family's loss - but getting past that obvious factor - I truly felt like a circus act!
Also, and I don't know if I am alone here, I feel really bad for my former self. Does that sound silly? Because all those years of being obese, I still had a thriving career, a wonderful social life, an apartment in NYC that I bought myself, and an all around active and enjoyable life. Is it better now? Of course. But I was mourning for my old self who, I feel, was being ostracized by all these thin people. It was like I was a monster to them before and I didn't know it. I felt angry and sad, and again, just felt painfully hurt for the me that was - before Medifast.
I recently have really been grieving for the pre-MF me in a lot of ways. I am getting so much "help" from people now (yes, especially men). Helping me into taxis, conductors taking my luggage for me to get off trains, going way out their way to hold doors for me, etc. All in the name of chivalry. But where was that chivalry and that helping hand when I actually needed it? Because there were many times that I really could've used some kindness of strangers - and god knows I was invisible then.
Is all of this insane? I don't miss being fat, but I am so aware of how much easier life is thin, that it makes me ache for who I was and realize how strong I was to just live each day.
I'll leave you all with this - and I am sorry for this waaay long-winded post. I went to my cousin's wedding a couple weeks ago (formal affair) and was wearing a very body-hugging black lace slinky number, and looking the best my family's seen in probably 15 years or more. My mom gave me this huge hug and told me how proud she is and how brave she thinks I am for tackling this. I looked her and said "this isn't brave. Living the way I was for all those years was brave."
Whew. Sorry this has been burbling to the surface as of late.