Feeling down

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Feeling down

Postby kelly1234 » February 27th, 2005, 6:35 pm

Ok Everyone - I had about 6 strawberries over the weekend and it was like Heaven - but I think this messed me up. I have lost a total of 20 pounds in 6 weeks. I would like to know if this is good, bad or average. I sometimes feel like I am eating too much of my "lean and green" because my family and I eat out so frequently. It's always chicken and broccoli, but it has been hard lately. I am still losing weight, but I feel that maybe I should be losing more. I guess I can start exercising now since it has been six weeks, right? Is there a limit on Iced tea? I drink it alot as well. Today I went to a birthday party and had one bite of the icing... so as you can see this weekend has been bad for me. I guess it could have been a disaster. The food they had there was all bad and I didnt touch anything except on sliver of icing. Any suggestions or support are welcome. I am now at 170. I started at 190. I am about 5'6. Thanks everyone!!
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Postby kassilou » February 27th, 2005, 7:05 pm

Hi, Kelly.

You've lost more than 3# a week! You have a lot less to lose that I do, too, so I think 20# in six weeks is really good. Really, really good.

I've only been on this a month, but I know that it doesn't take much sugar to throw you out of ketosis. I myself would really worry about taking nibbles here and there as it would be easy for that to get out of my control.

Are you drinking your water? Lots and lots of it?? If you are feeling bored with your menus, have you checked out the lean cuisine section of the board? There are lots of ideas for "spicing up" the packets. And you can have pickles and celery, too, if you want something crunchy.

Hang in there, stick with the program. If you slip, get right back on program and don't worry about it. Enough people here can prove that this diet works if you are compliant.

Congrats on the 20#!!!
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Postby dlr2424 » February 27th, 2005, 7:22 pm


20 lbs. in 6 wks. is so awesome! You are doing great and don't beat yourself up over this weekend. It's done and over with. It didn't seem to bad to me considering the real damage you could have done. If your full of guilt...flush it and move on...you've been doing great and YOU WILL CONTINUE TO...we are all here to cheer you on!!!!! :dance:


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Postby cthrn007 » February 27th, 2005, 7:42 pm

Hi there Kelly! It's nice to meet ya!!

I have to agree with Donna & Kassilou that 20 lbs in 6 weeks is GREAT!!!

More than me actually and I am on the full fast and exercise too!!

I say stick to what you are doing & don't fret about the past... just remember how straying off the diet made you feel and judge the next situation based upon that. Lick of icing & guilt or compliance and a look-at-me-I-am-skinnier smile people can't even slap off your face!!

I know what I'd choose :D

Congratulations on your success!!! 20 lbs is NOT easy at all!!!!!!

Shake it like ya mean it!!
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You guys are aewsome

Postby kelly1234 » February 28th, 2005, 7:17 am

I just wanted to say "Thank you" all for your wonderful support and encouragement :D This forum is so aewsome, but the people who are on here are the best people around ;)

Thanks again,

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