feeling dizzy- please help!!!!

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feeling dizzy- please help!!!!

Postby windy242 » March 26th, 2006, 7:12 pm

i need help, i have tried doing the first day of medifast several times, but each time i end up feeling really dizzy, to the point where i feel like i am going to pass out, so i have a shake or bar immediately, but this feeling returns. I am eating a medifast product every 2-3 hours, and i am drinking a lot of water. what can i do to overcome the dizziness that keeps derailing me?
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Postby DogMa » March 26th, 2006, 7:28 pm

You didn't say how far into the program you've gotten. If you keep repeating the first few days, it's going to keep happening. You need to get past the first three days or so before it'll stop.

What you can do to get you through it is have some bouillon and maybe a couple of pickles, to keep your sodium levels up, and to continue to drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated.

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Postby Pashta » March 26th, 2006, 7:48 pm

Also, just take it easy the first few days. Don't exercise, don't do anything too strenuous or stressful. :)
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Postby falisamarie » March 26th, 2006, 7:51 pm

Robin is right usually a cup of bouillon will really help with this.

Let us know how you are doing

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Postby Loribug » March 26th, 2006, 8:42 pm

Have you ever been checked for hypoglycemia? This is sometimes just as bad as having diabetes. Worth checking into.
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Postby Arklahoma » March 27th, 2006, 4:33 pm


The MF plan is a Protein Sparing Modified Fast which forces your body to begin burning fat for fuel and it causes your body to release a lot of water. Whenever you urinate, your losing electrolytes along with your urine (potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, etc.).

I know you stated that you're drinking lots of water but I want to reiterate that you MUST drink a minimum of 64 - 100 oz to keep your blood volume up. Try to plan the start of this diet when you have a couple of days for your body to adjust and do not exercise for the first couple of weeks. Do not do anything strenuous. Do not stand up quickly from a seated position. Do not take hot showers or baths. Drink extra broth if you like b/c the sodium will help you retain water. If you haven't seen an MD yet, do so immediately. MF doesn't recommend a multivitamin supplement along with the plan but my doc does, and that's what I pay her for ... her medical knowledge.

Feel free to ask as many questions as you like. We're all here for you and fellow MF'ers.
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Postby Diana » March 27th, 2006, 7:57 pm

Hi, Windy, and welcome to the community!

My first day on MF, I thought I was going to start gnawing on the doorframe!! :help: I ate 5 pickles -- almost at once, drank more than a few cups of boullion, had at least 2 whole cups of SF jello, and drank and peed and drank and peed and peed and :water: drank and peed. (forgive me if that's crass, but sometimes the longer, more polite versions have too many syllables)

My second day, I still couldn't go an hour without a bathroom visit (not good when you're a teacher!! but that was an inservice day, luckily). In addition to the program, I consumed the mother of all pickles plus a few of her offspring :eat: , 3 c. of boullion, more SF jello in addition to 100oz of water and an extra meal replacement. AND I took a 2 hour nap. :snooze:

Day 3 was easier, but I was sicksicksick with a migraine. :uhuh: Once I could actually keep things down, I got in all my supplements, the LnG and lots of water. I did ABSOLUTELY nothing -- not even a shower -- that day.

Day 4, :hatch: the sun came out, the birds sang, and I began enjoying this journey. And I weighed in for the first time on the Roll Call. I was (and am and will be to come) under 300 lbs for the final time!

It's almost hard to remember how difficult that first day was, but it was distractingly so now that I can recall. Even though I had wayyyy too many of them, those pickles, cups of broth and cups of jello got me through. (It was still many fewer calories than I was consuming previously.)

Arklahoma (one of the fabulously knowledgeable nurses in our community) is of course absolutely right, though; Get Thee to a Doctor. Get his/her blessings on this. There may be factors other than the fact your body is digging its heels in and yelling "Heck no, we won't go!!" Once properly annointed by said physician, stock up on the celery, pickles, boullion and SF jello and hang on! There IS another side to this hill and it's mostly all down!

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Postby Unca_Tim » March 29th, 2006, 3:09 pm

Arklahoma wrote:The MF plan is a Protein Sparing Modified Fast which forces your body to begin burning fat for fuel and it causes your body to release a lot of water.

I'd just like to scoot everyone over to this post for a discussion about this topic.

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