feeling bad

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feeling bad

Postby crazedreamer » February 8th, 2006, 9:33 pm

I had been on MF for a week and noticed that I was getting easily irritated, stressed and extremely tired. It got so bad on day 7 that I broke down and ate an actual meal and I felt so much better. I restarted and then notice myself falling in that cycle again. I was so exhausted today I wanted to cry. I fell off again :( but it gave me the energy to get through the day.

Now I'm starting to wonder if MF is for me..

I have lost 6lbs so far. I have very full days. I work and full time job and go to school in the evening 4 days a week. By the time I get home, I am ready to cook up my lean and green. I have trouble concentrating and it was getting dangerous (while driving).

Am I doing anything wrong besides falling off? I followed the plan to the T. I even had bullion some days. Just feeling really bummed out and dissapointed in myself.
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earlier lean & green

Postby LAwoman » February 8th, 2006, 10:03 pm

Hi crazedreamer,

I don't know if I have any answers, but I'm wondering if you precooked your lean/green and ate it earlier in the evening to give you energy to keep you going since you're on the go, go, go all day?

I assume you're getting all 5 MF meals each day. Maybe try having 6 MF with your lean and green. It's possible with everything you're doing everyday you need a few more calories/energy.

Good luck, and congrats on your 6 lb. loss.
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Me too...

Postby onehotmommy » February 8th, 2006, 10:33 pm

I am experiencing much the same thing with tiredness and wanting to eat something more substantial. I am having to eat every 2 hrs on the dot for my 1st 4 MF meals a day, then have my lean & green 2 hrs after that 4th MF meal, then my 5th MF meal, I can hold off longer until the evening munchies hit. On my really rough days, I have my lean & green as my 4th meal and have 2 MF meals after that. For me personally, I have increased my sodium intake. I just plain feel better for one, but I do have Mitral Valve Prolapse and the increase in sodium helps with symptoms. If I am feeling especially jittery, I have that boullion about 30 minutes after my 3rd MF meal. Early afternoons are killing me this week, I dunno why. I could sleep 14 hrs a day and still need more, but with 2 little ones, who can get in 8, much less 14?! Hang in there and like the other poster said, have an extra supplement if you need to. It won't be forever, but it will help you adjust and make it through without you giving in to something worse. An extra shake or pudding once a day when you need it isn't bad. I had to add in a bit extra yesterday and today I was better. Sometimes I think we are just out of fuel, period. I had to "refuel" a bit and I am ok now. I have to be diligent with the 2 hrs though or I will shake like a leaf. If you are famished when you get home and the time it takes to cook is more than you can bear, try Boca burgers....they cook up fast in a skillet and I heat up some green beans or have a salad (already rinsed with veggies cut, etc) it is a fast meal. I like to spread mustard on my burger, it psyches me out into thinking it is real, but it really tastes real to me anyway! I get the Boca All American grill flavor. They come 4 in a pack and 1 is a MF serving of lean. Good luck!
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Postby crazedreamer » February 9th, 2006, 4:56 am

Thank you LAwoman and onehotmommy. I will try adding an extra supplement and maybe precooking my LG meal and have it mid in the day. I work with 11 3yr olds and half of them have special needs and while I love my job it is draining and sometimes I find myself snapping at the kids over small things that I really shouldn't sweat. I'll see how this works on the weekdays and I'll go down to 5 on the weekends when i can rest and relax.
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Postby falisamarie » February 9th, 2006, 6:46 am


We are all pulling for you and thinking of you :hug: You can do this. I have heard of some people taking up to a week to adjust to program so remember everyones body is different and takes different amounts of time to adjust to changes. Give your body a chance and while I totally understand it is hard (I have 5 children of my own I chase around and the older they get seems the busier I get) try to squeeze in some extra rest if you can it would probably do wonders for you. Keep us updated on how you are doing.

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Postby Lauren » February 9th, 2006, 7:31 am

Morning, Craze-

I totally agree with what everyone else posted here, especially the parts about considering an extra supplement or more sodium.

Here are my two cents, and you can feel free to decide if they are worth anything: :-)

I felt like I was just plain dumb or on some weird delay for quite a few days, probably close to a week when I first started. However, I made a point from the beginning to eat my L&G on the weekdays as my lunch, and on the weekends as my dinner. The weekdays are when I need to concentrate most, at work (obviously), so it was important to get that extra fuel in the middle of the day. I have a shake at 7:30, an oatmeal or shake at 10:30, L&G at about 1:30 or 2:00, another MF at 5:00, then another at 8:00, and the last around 10:30 or 11:00. I do my very best to keep this schedule as regular as possible on the weekdays, as it keeps my head in the game. If I feel at all funky, not "with it" or cloudy, I will have a bouillon or Fast Soup or a couple pickles. By the way, the pickles really hit some kind of spot that surprised me - so you may want to try it.

On the weekends, when I don't generally require the same focus, and when I want to be able to "party" with friends, I save my L&G for dinner, so I can go out like a normal person.

Another thing I do, which some of the older posters here know, and may or may not be something you are interested in, is that I always always always have fresh vegetables in my fridge, more than just for L&G. I want to know at all times that if I need to eat more or have that need to "graze" that we all experience, that there is an option right at my fingertips. I try to keep it all very fresh and appealing, red cherry tomatoes, a bowl of broccoli florets, a bowl of green raw string beans. Crunchy colorful things that are healthy. Let me say, we are NOT supposed to eat veggies beyond our L&G, and I am not advocating that you do. However, if you find yourself on the edge, sometimes a bowl of steamed broccoli will fulfill a need, and it takes the edge off, and it hasn't affected my ketosis or my weight loss.

You may also want to look at the kind of protein you are choosing for your L&G. I have found some stick to the bones better than others. When I have chosen canned tuna, for instance, I am famished a couple hours later, it just doesn't have the weight I need. I do better with steamed/grilled chicken, it holds longer.

At some point, you have to get out of your head that having a meal off of MF is going to help you - because it's going to become a crutch, and you'll never get the full benefit of the diet. You should certainly consider going to a doctor if you don't feel right, they can make sure your bloodwork is on point. Additionally, take some vitamins (as many of us do) to supplement the diet. I take a Biotin 3000 vitamin as well as Omega 3 Complex w/ Fish Oils. They work to keep our hair, skin, & nails strong and healthy.

Whew! I am sorry for the dissertation, but I really believe in this diet, and you have to deal with some stumbling blocks through the process, but it's worth it. If you get the seal of approval from your doctor, then really give this 100% of your time and effort. Don't give up, don't change the plan, find a way to make it work. Most of us here have experimented with our timing of meals, the order of when we eat them, when we decide to have a bar, or fast soup, or bouillon, etc. The most fascinating thing about this diet is that I totally know my body better than ever before, and I really treat all the food/supplements as fuel, and you can see how your body functions with different types of fuel. It's cool!

So, Craze, don't get Crazed from the way you're feeling. Just make some adjustments, and keep on keepin' on. You've got a ton of people here ready to lend their support and care.

Wishing you the best!


PS: that was way more than 2 cents worth, that could've been a whole dollar!
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Postby SueInSLO » February 9th, 2006, 8:27 am

That was a wonderful and informative post.
:bravo: :clap:

Thank you!!

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Postby Marseilles » February 9th, 2006, 8:50 am

I second that, wholeheartedly. I also found that if I took the Omega 3 supplements and Biotin I felt really good. If I was feeling super sluggish I actually went and got a vitamin B6-12 injection. It ended up being a regular monthly trip and took care of any PMS issues. Great stuff!!

One other suggestion I would make, if you are feeling that way, is to have spinach instead of lettuce with your salad. The potassium does wonders and stopped those feelings in their tracks for me.

Good luck!
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