Feeling Bad!

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Feeling Bad!

Postby DonicaB » May 23rd, 2005, 7:38 am

I have been compliant for 7 weeks and yesterday I just exploded with old eating habits errupting all around me. It actually started Saturday night and carried over into Sunday. Yesterday morning I actually felt OK, but I gave into my own self destruction later in the day and continued to evening. I was very bad......very bad. :nonono:

I have been battling what I thought was allergies, but come to find out I have had bronchitis. I have not been sleeping well due to the coughing and have felt really run down. My DH has been really worried about me. I just haven't had much energy. I have felt very sluggish.

I am feeling better today, so I took a long walk this morning, and did my pilates to try and clear my head. While I was walking I decided I am not going to let this get me down. I WILL NOT QUIT. I want to be thin more than I want to eat JUNK FOOD and everything in the pantry.

The one thing that kept bothering me the most, yesterday, was that I felt like I not only failed myself, but that I failed this group. (Rae, now I understand how you felt.) You all have been so supportive of me, so encouraging and above all, inspirational. I don't want the new people to think that it is impossible to stay compliant just because I made bad choices.

I felt like I had to come clean to you guys, which is a tribute to you because I respect each and every one of you.

Thanks for listening to me go on and on about my problem. I will be OK. I know I can do this. I guess I am just afraid of failing again.

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Postby LeeannNH » May 23rd, 2005, 8:12 am

hi donicab

i am so sorry you had a rough couple of days. :cry: im sure i speak for everyone when i say we've all been there and you are brave and inspirational by coming on here and sharing your thoughts and fears. you have not failed anyone here nor have you failed yourself. yes, you had a minor slip, yes you feel like crap but look at you, its monday morning and you recognized your behavior! you were able to stop, look at your behavior and confront it head on. be proud of yourself. you are already using this SMALL setback as your fuel to succeed by talking about it! :mrgreen:

girl, you are inspirational to me! you make me see that if i do slip, i can get up, dust myself off and climb back on the MF horse.

if you ever need to talk, give me a holler! and take good care of yourself and feel empowered by your losses so far

leeann ;)
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Postby 24KaratGold » May 23rd, 2005, 8:51 am

{{{{Donica}}}} Hey lady, welcome to the human race. Here you are beating yourself up for less than 48 hours' worth of bad choices, when you've got 7 weeks x 7 days x 24 hours worth of good choices under your belt (good thing something's there, 'cause there's 25 pounds less of you under that belt than there used to be!). Not only that, but look what you've done -- you've come here, talked about it, and made the resolution not to let it get you down. That's not failing, that's success. Failure would be if you decided "the he!! with it" and just walked away.

You can do this. How do I know that? Because you have been doing this, and you are doing this. The future is that way, m'dear: ----------------> Don't look back.

I'm sorry to hear that you are sick. There's something going around -- my best girlfriend was diagnosed with pneumonia last week and missed walking through graduation to get her Master's Degree. Good thing school is out for you so that you can work on taking care of yourself.

Be good to yourself. You deserve it.

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Postby want2Bthin » May 23rd, 2005, 1:16 pm


I remember you gave me tons of support when I ate those darn cheese crackers! Girl, don't beat yourself up. I am actually greatful I had my cheat! Silly I know. But it was good for me to know how bad (physically and mentally) it made me feel. Now if I feel tempted I just remember how horrible it felt. You got back on track and that means a whole lot in this crazy battle.

I'm sending a big hug your way! :-P I hope you feel better soon! Sorry your sick.

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Postby LuzInIt » May 23rd, 2005, 2:05 pm

Sometimes I feel like cheering when all you guys (with so much less to lose than me) slip a little. I'm just so crazy about all of you, that I selfishly want to keep you around here for as long as possible. I'm afraid you'll all reach your skinny little goals and disappear from my life. And for now, all of you are as real to me as the friends I can reach out and touch with a hug. So Donica darlin', not a bad move on your part in my book - Geez girl, only 40 more pounds and you're there. And when you've made it, I'll probably still have as much left to lose as you did when you started :? . Gosh, I just don't want anybody to leave here :cry: and I know, with your success so far, your finish line is just around the corner. So take off the boxing gloves - you've whacked yourself enough over this - and congratulations on hopping right back on the old MF wagon :D .
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Postby DonicaB » May 23rd, 2005, 3:15 pm

Thank you ladies. I have been doing fine today. I know it will probably take my body a few days to get back in the losing mode. I wanted to lose 30# before I went on our family camping trip which is next week. I don't think I am going to make that goal but I will be close.

I have failed every diet I have ever tried. I have never, no, not even once ever made it to my goal. I was close once, but have never made it all the way. I want to soooooo badly that I could just scream.

Why is it that I can want something so badly, but when it comes down to it........I don't seem to have the strength to do?

Again, thank you all for the encouraging words. I really appreciate the fact that I know you all are there for me. And please know that I am here for you.

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Postby Mommy2girls » May 23rd, 2005, 3:21 pm

Hey Donica,

I love the attitude, YOU WILL NOT QUIT!!! That is what will carry you through rough times. You will be FINE. Really. Don't beat yourself up over this. Just pick yourself up and keep trucking along.

We all have those moments and guess what? Life is full of those moments and it simply gives us "experience" for what we can do next time.


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Hi Donica

Postby Wisp » May 24th, 2005, 10:39 am

HI Donica - Please feel better. I know you will be able to reach your goal this time because you are a wonderful person(I can tell because your warmth comes through on your posts.) You deserve to reach your goal and therefore you will. All of us have struggled with the same things you are facing and its. OK because we are only human. Keep believing in yourself and you WILL reach your goal. I have only started and the first week was tough. But I want to reach my goal so much and I will keep on keepin on until I reach the end of that ticker. Just keep on keepin on from this day forward and just look forward, not back. love & hugs - marylou

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Postby raederle » May 24th, 2005, 11:59 am

Hey there, Donica. I heard my name used in vain :) and had to come and add my hugs, too! :hug: The gals have already given you some great advice and happy thoughts, so I hope you take 'em to heart! I just wanted to add that I hear ya, and I feel your pain... I've been swinging back and forth between good eating habits during the week, and some mighty bad ones during the weekend. Some days, like yesterday, I even do poorly on the weekdays! (Did I really need to make a fresh loaf of bread in the breadmaker and then top off my carb binge with ice cream and fudge sauce?!?!?!) So I tend to swing between 127 and 130, which is higher than I'd like but still much better than I've ever done in my life.

I've been trying to come up with a plan I can live with for the rest of my life; MF worked for me, and it's still what I turn to when I screw up. Now I just need to understand why I give in to foody binges in the first place, and how to quit doing it. I am *very* hard on myself when I do slip up for a few days, so I know how you feel. But at least we will get back on board after the slip, instead of turning the slip into a slippery slope that never ends! I'm so glad you caught yourself-- it really is a big deal when you can recognize a foody mistake and correct it right away instead of giving in to the habits that got us pudgy. The ability to do that, I think, will serve you very very well in the days and months and years to come, as you GET and STAY SKINNY! As I know you will.

Ah well. Nothing worth doing is ever done easily, is it?


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hang in there and prepare for camping

Postby oregonrose » May 24th, 2005, 2:41 pm

Hi Donica, You are to be congratulated for sharing with us and getting back on program. Having been camping myself, I'm thinking it will be hard. Everybody wants carbs when camping it seems (its got to be the only time that tuna helper tastes good!) will you be in a camper or something? Maybe you could print out some encouraging posts to take with you. hang in there and prepare! nancy
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Postby fatBgone » May 24th, 2005, 3:25 pm

Oh Donica - just look at the BIG picture....25 pounds gone FOREVER in less than 2 months is AWESOME!!! :thumbup:

Every time we go off plan, it's a learning lesson and then if we do LEARN from the mistake, (which you obviously did) then we get right back on target and reach harder for our goal....so don't be too hard on yourself....just realize that you're human too - like the rest of us. Here I was thinking all along that you were some kind of superhero...I'm guess I'm sorta glad (in a selfish way...sorry :oops: ) to find out that we're all on the same level....but don't fret...you're still an :angel: in my eyes!! ;)

Well, take care & don't worry - you'll get to your goal this time....I've played the yoyo diet game for a VERY long time now....and I really do believe that this will finally be the answer for me & YOU!! I am concerned about afterwards (maintaining), as we all are, but we'll deal with that in due time.
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Postby fedup » May 25th, 2005, 7:06 am

Donica- oh how I've been there too! But like so many have said, don't beat yourself up for a slip, just get back on that horse and STAY there! You can do it, we're all human so don't beat up on yourself. (I tend to do this too!)
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Postby DonicaB » May 25th, 2005, 7:19 am

Hi Rae~~Sorry to have mentioned your name in that way. I just remembered when you felt like you had let us down and I thought that was silly.....then. But after I messed up, I completely understood how you felt. I'm sure it must be difficult to figure out how certain foods affect your weight. I probably will have to stay away from ice cream because I love the stuff and have never been able to each just the 1 cup servings. Thank you for the encouraging words. :D

OregonRose~~I will be in a camper and love the idea of posting notes to myself. I have already ordered my RTD shakes as I thought that would be the easiest way to get my shakes in. I am determined to stay on plan. My husband knows this will be difficult for me, but just knowing he is there supporting me will help tremendously. We will be BBQing every evening on the BBQ so I will have no problem getting my lean & green in. I am doing some careful planning. And I am not going to take snacks that I love for the kids. I'll buy the ones I don't like. hehe :mrgreen:

Lisa~~I've never been compared to a superhero before. :roflmao: I wanted to be Wonder Woman when I was little.....does that count. When now the secret is out.....I am human.......DARN! :dohdoh: I have learned from my mistake....I learned that I don't like how that made me feel......and I don't like how it has slowed me down. So, no more of that!!

Wisp~~you are very sweet. Thanks for the hug!

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Postby dlr2424 » May 25th, 2005, 8:56 am

DonicaB wrote: I wanted to be Wonder Woman when I was little.....does that count. When now the secret is out.....I am human.......DARN! :dohdoh:

Donica...... :bow: .....YOU ARE A WONDERFUL WOMAN.......... :secret: ..............and that is far greater than WONDER WOMAN........ :yes: ............and finding out we are human........... :hmmm: ......I struggle with that at times when instead I should embrace it........ :hug: .........the fact is we are human...........we do slip...........but we have the CHOICE to..... :scratch: ...... stay down..............or...........pick ourselves up.....dust ourselves off......and carry on..................you made the WINNING CHOICE.......... :clap: .........your humaness was an inspiration to us........ :yeah: ..........thank you for sharing not only your victories...........but your short comings as well....... :hug: ......they are reality checks for all of us................You will reach goal because you have a WINNING ATTITUDE.......with a SUCCESSFUL PLAN......................so instead of beating yourself up............congratulate yourself for getting back on track...............and remind those......... :twisted: ........... food demons we all have that YOU ARE STRONGER THAN THEY ARE ....and this victory is yours to possess...... :yay: .......my prayers for your renewed strength............... :angel: .........we are all in this together ........ :hug: .........
P.S. sorry this is a little bit late....I was hard at work ......this is my first chance at the computor....... :puter:


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