I feel so fat still

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Postby dede4wd » April 29th, 2006, 10:48 am

I second Dr. Jo's professional opinion. She's in the 80# club, she should know! Shopping therapy...swim in old clothes for a while! Blah's disappear!

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Postby just_julie » April 29th, 2006, 1:54 pm

I hear ya Gina and Jo! Hope this thriead has helped you, Jen. They really hit my nails on the head!

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Postby supermom » April 29th, 2006, 2:49 pm

I think that after thinking of yourself as the "fat girl" for so long, it just kind of becomes the "norm". For me, it is really hard too, because all of my friends are super small. I mean tiny. 5'3 and under and probably all less than 110 pounds. So, even as I lose weight, I still feel like a giant beside them. I hope it will ease with time. I am pretty sure it will. I think it will for you, too. The thing is, though, you just have to admit to yourself that you have changed on the outside and give yourself permission to like the way you look. Do you think you might be afraid to be happy about your look because you are afraid of losing it? I know that is what scares me. That I wil lose weight and then gain it all right back. Just stay strong and determined and accept that you are thinnin up. Don't look back!!

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Postby Bonnie » April 29th, 2006, 10:47 pm

Hi Jen

I have to say that unless you go shopping for new clothes you won't really believe that you are thin.

One day I went to the store and started shopping in the larger size section after I had lost 50 lbs. My husband said "What are you doing in that section"? As you can see I didn't really believe I was no longer heavy. Others knew it but I didn't even though I saw it on the scales.

Now I love shopping. Especially at Chico's!!! :)

Time for you to get used to the new you!!! :grin:
I lost 50lbs Through Take Shape for Life

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Postby Tiolazz » April 30th, 2006, 7:35 am

And Jen,

as for the old too big clothes, get on Ebay and auction those babies off... You will be suprised at how much money you can make.....

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then take that moolah and go get you some new "smaller" clothes....

Shopping for me is great therapy, especially when everytime I go, I am able to buy a smaller size....

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