TT's Favorite Chili recipe

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TT's Favorite Chili recipe

Postby MyFriendTT » June 19th, 2006, 1:38 pm

Ok, so there are tons of ways to make the chili palatable, but here's my version and I love it SOOO much I could eat it twice a day if it didn't have so many carbs.

In a small pan on the stove, put 1 1/2 cups of water and the packet of chili.

Add 1 tsp ground cumin and 1 tsp ground coriander (not flakes)
Add a dash of cayenne pepper and a 3 or 4 shakes of salt.

Turn the burner on high and stir until everything mixes really well.

Boil, then turn down the heat to a medium boil so it doesn't overflow and let it cook for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

During the last 5 minutes, turn the heat back up to high to boil off any extra water and stir constantly.

The chili is done when you get the consistency you want. I like mine REALLY thick, almost like a paste.

This is delicious and makes me lick the bowl every time. I've also spooned it into a stalk of celery for a little extra fiber and if I have some fresh cilantro on hand, I'll chop a little bit and throw that in too.


Started 6/3/06

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