Fat Pants

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Fat Pants

Postby Leigh » May 13th, 2004, 9:08 pm

I was just thinking of this tonight.....

I have a pair of what I like to call "fat pants" that are folded up on my dresser.

These are the pants that I can now pull on and off without unzipping and unbuttoning them. They used to be so tight I had to unbutton them while I was sitting down, and after a nice eating binge they were unbearable to even keep on.

I hate those "fat pants," and I also love them. I hate looking at them sometimes because it reminds me of how chunky I used to look and how bad I used to feel. I also love them because looking at them makes me NEVER want to get back to a point of wearing them again, and it helps me to remember how far I've come already. It's a love/hate relationship, and it's with a pair of pants. How wierd is that? :roll:

Anybody else have any fat pants they are keeping? I'm going to post a pic of mine on the boards after I get to my goal weight. (one of those looney pics with me holding the waistband out. hehe) It's going to be fun!

Start date: 3/29/04

220/194/Goal weight ??
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Postby Marseilles » May 13th, 2004, 9:56 pm

haha..I so hear ya :)

We had the same start date and start weight..cool!

Might I ask where you are at now towards your goal?

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Postby explorthis » May 13th, 2004, 10:17 pm

Who would ever keep these types of reminders?


I will forever!

My guess is I can still pull them on and off without unbuttoning, or unzipping them, think?

Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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Postby cdixon » May 14th, 2004, 5:16 am

I know that I will be keeping a pair of my "fat pants" once I start losing the weight.

Mike -- you look awesome in those pictures!

Leigh -- I can't wait to see your pictures when you reach goal.
Start Date 05/10/04
250/240/Goal#1 is 200 and after I get there...
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Postby Leigh » May 14th, 2004, 7:30 pm

Mike, your fat pants RULE! :yeah: I love it!

Marseilles, I don't even think I have a clue anymore on my weight goal. I'm trying to go with what feels good. I know that I would like to lose at least another 25 to 30 pounds though so I've kind of made that my goal for now. Congrats on your weight loss g/f..that's awesome! :cleader:

Christina, thanks, I can hardly wait either. It's gonna be the best feeling ever. :D

Start date: 3/29/04

220/194/Goal weight ??
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Postby TamiL » May 15th, 2004, 1:18 pm

I have Used my FAT PANTS..and my GOAL PANTS!! during my weight loss here...I think its a great thing to do....a kind of reminder to where you once where and where you want to be...

I use my FAT PANTS to remind myself that I used to wear them and they looked as if they were painted on...and now they are falling down with no problem!! its hard to beleive that these pants used to be skin tight...its a reminder of how far I have come...cuz most of the time..WE DONT SEE the changes in ourselve...WE STILL see ourselves as HUGE..when in reality...after loosing weight..we become SHOCKED when we see an unexpected reflection in the mirror..and have to do a DOUBLE take at times to realize that YES, this is US...the new version...thinner version...and still loosing!!

I use a pair of GREEN GOAL PANTS I used to wear at my goal weight years ago...that will FIT me again soon....those pants I wore when I was 135 pounds...FOR ME..instead of weighing every week...I try those pants on...and that helps motivate me..as well as measure my loss...the scale presents a number...one that goes up and down too much for my taste for different reasons!! so rather than get on the scale so much..I just try on these pants and tell myself that every day I am one day closer to being in them....

we all use different "tools" to measure our losses....but I think its a great Idea..keeps you reminded of where you have once been...and where you want to be and STAY!!!! :-P

Keep up the great progress...happy shakin!!! ;)

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Cool Idea

Postby Leigh » May 16th, 2004, 7:56 am


I think that trying on goal clothes is a great idea. I don't always like to weigh myself because I get a little obsessive, and the numbers on the scale don't really mean anything to me anymore. I just want to look nice in the clothes I wear and to feel comfortable.

I know I have a few pairs of jeans put away in the closet somewhere..I think I'm going to drag them out today. :D

I bet you're going to be back into those green pants in no time. Make sure and let me know when you do so I can give you a major shout out. :cheers:

Start date: 3/29/04

220/194/Goal weight ??
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