I was just thinking of this tonight.....
I have a pair of what I like to call "fat pants" that are folded up on my dresser.
These are the pants that I can now pull on and off without unzipping and unbuttoning them. They used to be so tight I had to unbutton them while I was sitting down, and after a nice eating binge they were unbearable to even keep on.
I hate those "fat pants," and I also love them. I hate looking at them sometimes because it reminds me of how chunky I used to look and how bad I used to feel. I also love them because looking at them makes me NEVER want to get back to a point of wearing them again, and it helps me to remember how far I've come already. It's a love/hate relationship, and it's with a pair of pants. How wierd is that?
Anybody else have any fat pants they are keeping? I'm going to post a pic of mine on the boards after I get to my goal weight. (one of those looney pics with me holding the waistband out. hehe) It's going to be fun!