A FALL OFF THE WAGON, AN NSV, and a realization

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A FALL OFF THE WAGON, AN NSV, and a realization

Postby THINKnTHIN » October 28th, 2006, 10:10 am

Well, as I said in my journal, I did fall off the wagon on the trip. I did somewhat control the fall though and tried to adapt to minimize damage 'til I got back home and in my diet comfort zone. In hindsight, I hadn't prepared myself mentally to overcome all obstacles and also with the drink thing. To tell the truth, I just wanted to have some let my hair down fun. So I am a big girl and will take my licks (on the scale tommorrow I am sure) and move on.

NSV- in Houston airport Thursday on the way back, we got majorly weather delayed. So, we ended up ordering a drink at the bar (remember I had given into that diet demon on the trip) and while I was standing next to one of the guys I work with, I noticed these two guys looking at me, like really looking at me. Well, I immediately looked down to make sure I didn't have any toilet paper on my shoe or that my zipper was zipped, but all was ok. Then my co worker said, "those guys must really like your boots ha! ha!" I said "what?" He said "they are checking YOU out" Well let me tell you, that was not a thing I have had happen to me for a WHILE. Even if you are married, it still matters! :) I could have floated to NC without a plane lemme tell ya!

Now the other eye opener was a co-worker on the trip. She has weight issues and it was amazing how it affects her life. 10 prescription meds, she can't walk far (without back, leg, and foot pain) to do the fun off hours excursions on the trip, and had an attitude that no one should be doing things without her, we should have adapted to her speed. She is a very negative and argumentative person to spend time with and complains non-stop of all of her ailments. When I got home I was asking my boss about how I should have handled some situations and that was one of them. I was amazed to learn she was just 3 years older than I. I thought she was about 15 years older than me. WHAT AN EYE OPENER.

I was so glad I had made a conscious choice not to travel down that road any longer. I was totally not trying to make a big deal out of my diet or weight loss efforts so I wouldn't make her feel as if I was trying to "convert" her (I HATE it when people become holier than thou with weight loss) and in the long run, that helped sabotage my efforts because I wouldn't eat my medi-meals in front of her other than the bars (she was my room mate).

I hope none of the above sounds bad, but both situations had an effect on me and though totally different experiences (one was vanity, the other a look down the wrong path) they both made me thankful for the journey I am on.

By the way, the new boots really did look hot! :)
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Great Realizations

Postby KimKim » October 28th, 2006, 10:20 am


Those are both great realizations. It's amazing what we will do to make other people comfortable. I had a somewhat similar experience when I was having some MF oatmeal at a rehearsal when a fellow artist and the producing artist asked me to set it down. We were just going over stage directions and they have no problem sipping their drinks or taking a chunk out of their bar but because I had my little ziploc container with MF in it and she has a weight issue as well, I felt that her asking me to put it down was a double message that she was also uncomfortable with me being on it in front of her or whatever.

I put it down and my oatmeal got cold and I ate it a bit later anyway. But it was another lesson learned.

I really can't say anything to you about falling off the wagon because I'm my own saboteur excellant right about now but when I did have those mini-days or weekends of falling off the wagon, jumping *right* back on and acknowledging that you just lost three days of not being in ketosis helped to bring back perspective.

You'll be okay. Just jump back on. I NEED you to jump back on! LOL

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Postby THINKnTHIN » October 28th, 2006, 10:50 am

Hey Kim! I am ON....1/2 way through second day back. Hopefully, with my choices maybe I didn't kick all the way out of ketosis, at least it doesn't feel like it. But I need to figure out the social thing before the holidays for sure. Have a great day!
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Postby KimKim » October 28th, 2006, 12:27 pm

Great Job, ThinknThin!

Thanks for getting back on, you're helping me stay on ;-) I started back on Oct. 23 (for real) and had some struggles this week, too. I think this will be my first day 100% compliant since struggling for weeks to get back on. Sad but true.

You may not be out of ketosis, either. I usually had a small headache during my falls out of it, so I could always tell.

Someone on here said "this is progress, not perfection" and others have said we all have a learning curve on this program. Whatever your challenges, you have also learned some things about yourself, so just take those lessons and keep adding on.

That's what I've been doing and my personal challenge is to take baby steps to 100% compliance. For others, this is a piece of cake (no pun intended) but for me it's been very hard. Social eating is a BIG trigger for me, too and I was foolish enough to go out to a restaurant with a friend on my 3rd day of just starting Medifast. Needless to say, we both know how that one ended. Boneless buffalo wings, INDEED!

But we're back on track. Gee, my stomach is grumbling and it's been two hours and six minutes. I'll be eating again, soon!

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Postby Nova » October 28th, 2006, 2:39 pm

It's difficult to deal with coworkers who are overweight when you're doing such a drastic plan as MF. I call it drastic because face it, it's not normal to open a little packet and eat whatever's in it 3-4 times a day at work.

In the beginning, I was fairly fortunate in my schedule at work. I could make sure I had time to down a shake or make some soup at my desk, and to be honest, I hid it as long as I could. I couldn't completely hide it, and when I was making soup at 10:00 in the morning and someone asked me, I told them I was trying to eat better by splitting my lunch in half, so I'd have half at 10, and the other half of my lunch at 1. People generally know that eating 5-6 times a day is something a lot of people do to help their metabolism, and no one ever gave me any grief over it.

As the weight came off, I couldn't (and didn't want to) hide my progress. When people asked how I was losing weight, I was honest and told them I was on a medical diet called Medifast, and that it had been approved by Johns Hopkins for overweight patients. Just by telling them that much, you can gage if they're really interested and want to know more, or if they are just being polite. If they really did want to know more, I'd gladly tell them about the program and give them a couple of websites. So far, I've convinced 6 people at work to start Medifast, which is kinda cool.

I still don't make a big deal out of it. I've been in a lot of meetings lately, so it's easier for me to take in some RTDs or a shaker bottle and make up a shake that I sip in the meetings. Most of my coworkers know what I'm doing, and if it's someone new, I just say I'm having a protein drink.

On the very rare occasions I've had someone try to talk me out of it or say it's bad, I tell them I'm doing this for me, I've researched it for over year, and in my opinion, the short term risks of the diet are better than the long term risks of being fat, and I use the word "fat" very deliberately. I'm very firm when I say that, but polite. I also never push my diet on anyone else, but if it comes up, I tell them I know how hard it is to lose weight, and every person is different. People take different paths and at different times, and I leave it at that.

If you can be polite and firm about your reasons, and someone still insists on putting you down or trying to sabotage you, there's no need to listen to them or be around them unless forced by work or circumstance.

I didn't mean to hijack your journal. That was a long explanation for why I think you should stand up for yourself and not be ashamed or worried about eating your meals when and where you can. If worst comes to worst, you can always go in the bathroom and down a shake in 2-3 minutes, but don't let other people talk you out of this. You know what you're doing, so believe in yourself and your goals.

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Postby Elke » October 29th, 2006, 1:32 pm

I am still trying to get use to all the attention I get. Its very weird for me cause usually its my friends that get the attention and I am the one telliing the guys that they can look but the girls were going home with me. I think it will take longer for my husband to get use to it than me, its nice and it can really make you day...week....month :)
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Boots and Men

Postby gillian » October 30th, 2006, 2:40 pm

It is a wonderful world we live in, huh?
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