To expel (an evil spirit) by or as if by incantation, command, or prayer.
To free from evil spirits or malign influences.
Hi All --
Yesterday the topic of exercise really got me thinking --- I just don't do it ... after reading the other posts - Mike you crack me up --- I realized that although I have always "thought" about getting into an exercise routine - I just don't and probably never will - other than some walking or swimming for pleasure.
I think while growing up there are two kinds of support systems that emerge when you are going through emotional issues or any emotions at all -- in some families the message is -- go for a walk, hit the gym, take a run, ride your bike and you'll shake it off. THEN there is from wherest I came - Oh honey, have a box of cookies, a container of ice cream, a soda and a bag of chips and then when you wake up from your sugar coma - we can talk about "it" - if you want to. (I heard a comedian do this bit recently and thought WOW does that hit home!

I need to EXORCISE right now. Drive out my demons

I'm a "push the envelope", "fly by the seat of my pants" kinda gal and I'm sick and tired of doing it in a size 28 pair of pants!!!!!
I need to EXORCISE all of the old programming and messages I have stored in my brain --- just get out... I WILL you to leave me alone! Yeah, Yeah, Yeah--yadda yadda yadda... and so how many times have I had this conversation with myself - which in itself is dangerous, because talking to me is what gets me into these messes... I know what I have to say and have said in the past -- time for new, clear voices with new hopeful messages .... there is a way out --- I will go through whatever it takes to get to the other side! (NO I DON'T HAVE MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES ---- I JUST BELIEVE THERE IS THE HEALTHY SIDE OF ME HIDING UNDER THE THUMB OF THE UNHEALTHY SIDE)
Hey, I'm a BIG girl (getting smaller) and I do take full responsibility for all things I do in my life ---- it's now time to do it with FOOD... which is truly been the blight in my life!!! This is the kinda EXORCISE I need right now.
I can't remember a time in my life that FOOD hasn't been the main focal point - whether it was me being fat, needing to lose weight, not being able to normally function because of it, feeling inadequate, feeling disappointed, losing weight, gaining weight, feeling hopeless and alone.
The EXORCISM is in progress. God is with me -- MF is the last weight loss program I will ever need, I am feeling different everyday - stronger - less focused on FOOD - more focused on me and the future without FOOD as the MAIN EVENT and FOCUS of my life!!!! Oh my, "whatever will I do - who will I be?"

This FORUM - you people are helping me with my exorcism - I can't believe the support and care I find here - a safe place for me to EXORCISE MY DEMONS --- Thanks, I needed that.

WE WILL do this together!!!