Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.


Postby Jims Chick » January 29th, 2004, 10:02 am

Sunday the hub bought me a treadmill!! :stroll: what a guy! This is my 3rd week on the program so I thought now is a good time to start with the exercise. I've been using the treadmill.....and it looks like my scale has just stopped going down. I feel like I've hit a brick wall :brickwall: . Did anyone else have this experience when they first started to exercises. I do check to see if I'm in ketosis on a daily basis and since I've started my daily exercise routine, my strips have been very dark so I know something is happening.....just doesn't seem like I'm having any loss. I'd appreciate any input anyone has on this.
Julie :weightlift:
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Postby finalstraw » January 29th, 2004, 10:15 am

I have a treadmill, but quit using it until 'my body adjusted', but I decided yesterday that I miss it, so I am going to start back up today even though I have not waited the entire 2 weeks yet.

I do expect my weight to go up a little or plateu for a few days, but remember, we are having adequate amounts of protein, so this excerise is going to give you a little muscle. Don't worry about it. If you are in deep ketosis, your burning that fat. :D

I'll let you know over the next couple of days (starting back today on the treadmill) how my weight does.

My advice, walking is not going to hurt - it's going to help! :D

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Postby star85 » January 29th, 2004, 10:35 am

Hi Julie,
It sounds like you're doing the program just fine, so if you haven't already, I suggest you take your measurements. Muscle weighs more than fat and is alot more dense, so you could be losing the fat and gaining muscle, which would cause you to lose inches because everything is firming up not jiggling all around (which is what fat does)! and stay the same weight for a little while. If that's the case you will still be getting smaller and you should be able to feel it in your clothes. Your body will eventually start burning more fat again, so don't worry. When I started the program 2 weeks ago I took measurements of my chest, waist, and hips. The first week I lost 1/2 in. in my chest, 2 1/2 in. in my waist, and 1 in. in my hips. Hope this info helps. Keep up the good work and keep us all posted on your progress.

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Postby Jims Chick » January 29th, 2004, 11:33 am

I haven't measured, but all of my pants have very baggy butts :roll: , so I know I've lost weight there. I had just wondered if a slow down when you started exercising was a normal occurance.
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Postby sabby02 » January 29th, 2004, 12:46 pm

I am sorry to butt in but what program are you talking about. I am new to this and need help.
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Postby Kimbob » January 30th, 2004, 9:41 am

Jim's Chick, I had the same issue when I started excercising. I don't measure, but my clothes continue to "get bigger" so I know I was still losing fat :) Don't worry about it. The benefits of excercise FAR OUTWEIGH a small blip in the scale.

Sabby, welcome to the Medifast program message board. The program is the Medifast Diet. If you go to the main site http://makemethinner.com you can learn lots about the program. Also, there is a FAQ section here that can tell you more. http://www.makemethinner.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=19

Hope that helps!

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