exercise question

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exercise question

Postby flamingogal » January 16th, 2006, 6:07 pm

Hello everyone!
I'm new here, started MF 8 days ago. I bought my variety pack from ebay, and therefore didn't get any written info with it. I've gotten all my info from the web and your great forum. The one thing I haven't understood yet is why exercise can't begin until the 4th week. I feel super, I have more energy than ever. I haven't had headaches, dizziness, or any other complaints. Can someone please explain to me the exercise limit?
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Postby Jan » January 16th, 2006, 8:13 pm

Hi there,
Yes this is a common question. :D We all want to do everything we can that we think will help us part with the pounds :D But, when you lower your caloric intake (which you are) and exercise at the same time your body goes into a "self preservation mode" It dates clear back to our hunter gatherer days. So.. give your body about three weeks to adapt to the caloric change and then start your exercise program. Fourty five minutes of exercise is enough. That's all the extra calories you can afford to burn. (If you are currently exercising and have been routinely exercising before you started this program then cut your exercise by 1/2 for the first 3 weeks) There are lots of posts on this subject that will explain in more detail. But this is the simplified answer.
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Postby aphrael » January 17th, 2006, 1:29 pm

This might not help but here is my experance. I am inactive. I have never enjoyed anything called exersise, if I think of it as exercise. I do enjoy taking my dog for a wlak and such, but I wont call it exercise.

So I restarted the program about 2 weeks ago. This past weekend I was feeling great. Lots of energy and ready to go do anything. Well I had to help my parents clean out thier attic. So this involved me going up and down the stairs many times carring boxes and stuff. I just kept going till my dad told me I needed to sit down and rest. I was like ok why. I looked in a mirror and I was so red faced I couldn't beleive it. I stopped had some water and continued. It wasn't till a that night (i had all my supplements up till than) and suddenly I was beyond starving. Water, a shake, nothing did it. I was light headed and just drained. I ended up having pasta for dinner and thus had to endure the 3 days again.

You might feel great now and even while exercising but if your body isn't ready to add the extra activity it is going to come back and bite you. So if you do decide to exercise take it nice and easy to start and slowly build yourself up to where you want to be.

Just my two cents and experance.

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Postby Carrie » January 17th, 2006, 1:37 pm

I have to say 'yep' to everything aphrael said. This past weekend was the end of week one for me, and I had promised to go help my Mom in the yard. I hadn't thought it through all that much, but when I started to do some heavy digging I noticed almost immediately that I don't have the strength I normally do. I had to take lots of extra breaks (every few minutes really) and a couple extra shakes.

My body just hasn't completely adjusted to the new routine. I remember from before that after a few weeks on the plan, exercise wasn't really a big deal, so I know I'll come around soon, but for now, I know I need to take it easy and let my body adjust....
Now: 2/5/07: 233.6/220.0/145
1st time: 3/1/04, from 266.5 to 195.4
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