Excuses,Excuses,Excuses! NO more!

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Excuses,Excuses,Excuses! NO more!

Postby Guest » March 27th, 2006, 10:48 am

Well, Here I am again. :cry: I started MF 2 weeks ago and both times have been off by Thursday. I keep coming up with excuses. I had family in town, so went to nice dinners and out, took my kids to Renaissance Festival (ate a bread bowl), they just keep coming. Even at work, all my vendors want to take me to lunch and dinner. Ever realize how meetings and such revolve around food? Even just little meetings at the office involve muffins, doughnuts, etc. :x
Another issue is every other weekend: Thats when my kids go to their dads and I go out with friends. Alcohol is my enemy!
Everytime I tell myself I will start Monday. If I would have stayed on the first week I probably could have dropped at least 5 pounds by now! I started this morning and am going to post a before picture and my stats so when I come here it will be in my face!
I think it hit me hard when I woke up this morning and my hands and feet are swollen and hurt because something I ate.
So, here goes.....

Hi, I'm Michelle and I'm no longer a quitter! I'm a MF user!

28 yrs. old 5'8" 250LBS. Goal-180-ish

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Postby MISSANNE » March 27th, 2006, 10:52 am

OOOPSYS! I forgot to log in in so my message posted as Guest.
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Postby Patti » March 27th, 2006, 12:02 pm


There will always be temptations around every corner...just no getting around it. You are taking the right path by making the commitment to do Medifast, setting your first mini goal to get through the week-end and making yourself accountable on the forum. Once you get in the habit of Medifasting and start seeing results, you will not want to stray from the program.

You've come to the right place for support. Although I am just a cheerleader on the sidelines right now, I want to welcome you and wish you success in your weight loss journey.

Don't be afraid to ask questions, ask for help, ask for advice....everyone here is on the same quest.

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Postby loriannk » March 27th, 2006, 12:15 pm


Just remember that YOU CAN DO IT! If you must go out to a business dinner make it your lean and green meal and order chicken and veggies or a chicken salad or something like that.

The first few days were hard for me as I have 3 kids under 7 and still have to have no no foods for me in the house. Once the cravings left and I felt better it was real easy to not get tempted to cheat.

Hang in there.

I made it one month!
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Postby falisamarie » March 27th, 2006, 12:17 pm

Michelle---YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!! We are all here to help you along! If you have to just take it hour by hour. Something that is said here a lot is "you can do anything for an hour, right" If you need to just post every hour to keep yourself accountable.

You are going to do this! I believe in you!

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Postby MISSANNE » March 27th, 2006, 12:20 pm

Thank you all sooo much! This forum is what helped me, when I didn't check and read, I wasn't doing MF. They really DO help!
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Postby MusicalMomma » March 27th, 2006, 1:16 pm

Hi Michelle! We're here for you! Now when Thurday-Sunday roll around, we expect to see you posting away!!! :) Keep those fingers on the keyboard and away from the frige!!! hehe! You can do it!!

Oh and like you said...You are NOT a quitter....You are a loser!! haha, that's a little medifast joke. We're all losing those pounds together!!!
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Postby Arklahoma » March 27th, 2006, 1:55 pm

Missanne ... I am proud of your newfound steely resolve. The decision to "just do it" is extremely important and we know that you can do it. Don't want to beat a dead horse but I do want to reiterate what everyone else has said. Break this up into smaller goals. Take it one day at a time, one meal at a time, and one hour at a time if you have to.

When I started the plan, I picked a time when I had a few days off and no plans of any kind in sight. For the first three days I did absolutely nothing but research the plan, go to the bathroom, and drank something every hour. Now mind you, I probably had two extra MF meals the first couple of days but it got me through the rough beginning and I was able to buckle down and gitter done.

Visit and post to the forum often. It truly does help and we've all been where you are right now. Contratulations on your decision to be a healthier you!
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Postby DogMa » March 27th, 2006, 4:01 pm

You've gotten some great advice here. Have an extra meal (or even two) if you really need it, make use of your snacks (bouillon, Jell-O, etc.), take it hour by hour. Sometimes the hardest part is just deciding to DO it.

There will always be special occasions and temptations in your way. Every one of us makes a conscious decision to avoid that stuff and stick to the plan all day, every day. You need to learn to enjoy going out with friends or visiting with family withOUT the food (or with allowed food).

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Postby dede4wd » March 27th, 2006, 8:50 pm

Hi Michelle,

I also started and restarted the program several times. This time, I made a conscious decision. I said to myself, "self...this is the LAST time. You WILL stick to this program as written for one month." I then split that month into little mini goals and tomorrow is my one month goal. I WILL not have to have a talk with myself as I start the second month because if the wonderful weight loss wasn't enough, the way I feel would be!

Just work the plan and the plan will work for you! If you need an extra pickle, have it, if you need an extra shake, have it. You JUST have to get through the first 3-4 days and you will be doing better. You will!

Welcome, and WE'RE ALL HERE FOR YOU!

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Postby Taszi17 » March 28th, 2006, 3:13 pm

Congrats on your one month!!! :thumbig:

I am totally stoked for you I bet you look amazing. Your stats are such a motivater for me I hope I do as well. Great job I know you are proud of yourself. Hopefully I will get my package in soon and can join the bandwagon hehe
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