Exactly how do you start the program?

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Exactly how do you start the program?

Postby richdan » June 17th, 2010, 11:57 am

Hi. I'm a total newbie here. I know you buy 20 boxes of food for the month. How do you learn all of the other ins and outs of the program? It seems overwhelming and I'd kind of like to have an idea of what I'm getting into.
Also, am I better off doing the VIP or buying everything separately and using a coupon? I haven't been able to figure that out yet.
I'm also not sure if I should go directly through MF or through a rep?

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Joined: June 17th, 2010, 4:17 am

Re: Exactly how do you start the program?

Postby pandasmom » September 8th, 2010, 4:30 pm

Hi there. I do not no if any one else has answered your questions,. Doesnt seem to be as many people on here as there used to be..
I did it before and went off and well over time gained back my weight. I am back on it and hope to not make the same mistake..

i am not totally good at this or no the right answers for you.. But I will see what i can do.
I ordered my boxes using a coupon. I wanted to pick out what i want and how many of each. Being on it before i new i had favorties and things i didnt like and couldnt do.

I didnt order through a rep i order on line or i call them seems easiest to me.

The rest is just reading what info you get and knowing what to eat.
for me It is the easiest diet I have ever been on. I am not hungry and actually find it had to just get all 5 medifast meals in each day with one regular meal..

So let me no if you ordered it or have started or what you decided to do..

Take care
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