My name is Gina(if ya couldn't tell by the username) hehe.
I am 36 years old. I have a wonderful husband and 2 beautiful children.
about 60 miles South of Pitt.
I am 5'2 and have been overweight most of my life my highest weight being 270 when I was 9 months pg. Well, that was approx 10 years ago...and I am now 264..I had lost some weight several years back down to 198 but basically starved myself for three months to get there. I quit smoking 5 months ago,(was a 2-3 pack a day smoker)and I have gained 24 pounds since that time. I simply cannot carry this extra weight for much longer. My knees hurt, my ankles hurt my back hurts. I feel trapped inside my own skin and I am tired of living out of sweatpants and stretchy waistbands.
I ordered the Medifast for Women 4-Week Package 143 Medifast Meals kit on the company website on the 11th and am currently awaiting it's arrival.
With Excitement...and hmm, maybe extreme jk
I am very eager to begin the journey of digging through all my layers to find "me". The me I KNOW is in there somewhere! I feel that quitting smoking has empowered me in ways I had never previously imagined.
I spent the better part of yesterday digging through your post's, your gallery and just all parts of this website. I relied on a similar support group for quitting smoking and I know just how invaluable feedback and support can be.
The gallery pictures made such an impression on me. I was just stunned by how quickly people really change in their looks. Your successes are just inspirational and I appreciate all of you who shared your pics..I know its not always an easy thing to do. I avoid pictures at all cost and have been known to get almost violent in my resistance to having my photo taken.
I want to change that...I want to be able to have a full body shot taken and be smiling from ear to ear or striking a sassy pose or whatever and not worrying about what I look like or get shocked and dismayed by actually seeing just how big my booty as gotten.
Well, that is long enough for an introduction I I look forward to being a big loser!;) I look forward to travelling on this journey along with many of you on our way to "the wish our heart makes"
As Spongebob sais..."I'm READYYYY!!!"