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Postby Pashta » March 16th, 2006, 7:38 am

Hello there! :D I just ordered my starter kit and I'm very excited! Let me tell you about myself.

I'm 32 years old, a mother of 2, one 10 year old boy and a 5 month old boy. I never lost the pregnancy weight from my first son (I was at 190), and it seems I wouldn't lose the pregnancy weight added on from my newest son either (now at 225), even though I did 2 months of diet (1500 calories a day) and exercise (pilates, 3x a week), so I ordered Medifast through the 800 number here.

Over 200 pounds is just too much for me so I have to do something about it. I mean, it hurts to get down on my knees to pick a toy up off the floor because of the excess weight, not to mention I want my looks back. Not that I'm bad now, but I can see my face has gained weight and that is what hurts the most.

I've done 3 day water fasting before so this liquid diet shouldn't be too tough for me (I hope!). Of course, I didn't lose any weight during the 3 day water fasts, but it did clear out my system I think, and definitely cleared my mind, thought processes were a lot better.

If any of you have any tips or suggestions for a newbie, I'd love to hear them! Thanks so much for reading this and allowing me to join these forums.
:D :D :D
- Tonia

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Postby falisamarie » March 16th, 2006, 7:45 am

Welcome to the group :goteam: My only advice is to stick to the program 100% and drink that water and you will be fine. Read and then reread your Quick Start Book and just stick to the approved list and you will be on your way.

Remeber also that the first 3 days can be hard but we are all here to help you through it.

You will be so much healthier for your family and will love the new you

Let us know when you start

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Postby FluffyNoMore » March 16th, 2006, 8:20 am

Welcome!!! Medifast is by far the easiest "diet" I've ever done. I'm not hungry, I'm not tired anymore, I have energy... the weights falling off me so my mood is always good. I've tried so many things and failed...this is different. I don't even have to think.
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Postby ToyDiva » March 16th, 2006, 10:28 am

Welcome to the family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
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Postby sheila » March 16th, 2006, 2:20 pm

Hello, and welcome aboard! :D You will find alot of support here, as I know I have. My only regret is that I didnt learn about MF sooner! :x That is why I am telling all my friens and family about how great this program works. I started it on Feb 2nd, and am down 26 lbs. I still have 40 to go, but I know I can do it just like so many others have on this program. All their stories are an inspiration, just like Nancy's. How could anyone not admire achievements like that!It just feels so good knowing what you are doing is actually working. And, Fluffy, I know what ya mean about MFhelping the mood. After just having a complete hysterectomy in January, and still not taking any hormone meds, my mood has been pretty good. I do contribute most of that to MF. I mean for one, I am becoming much healthier, and that hepls your moods, and secondly just knowing you are working so hard for something, and it is working!Now... if MF could just invent something to help with thes hot :twisted: flashes!Now theres an idea! :idea: ha ha. you all take care and keep up the great attitudes!
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Hiya hiya!

Postby dede4wd » March 16th, 2006, 2:50 pm

Welcome Pashta to the wonderful forums! You are so far ahead of me because you found the forums BEFORE you started!

My only advice is take it easy on the first 3 days because your body getting used to the diet can make you tired, feel a little wonky, kind of pissy, a gigantic headache, etc. But enough about me, we're talking about you! By day 4 I was feeling great and hope you are too!

I LOVE pilates too. If I could bring my machine out on the road with me, I never would have gotten this fat! I am trying to get into the tapes I can take on the road, but...not yet!

So, give us your stats, how tall are you? What is your goal?

My other advice is DEFINITELY drink all the water!

Take care, we'll be here for you!!!!!
Last edited by dede4wd on March 16th, 2006, 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Lizabette » March 16th, 2006, 2:59 pm


Good advice already from Lisa and the others. :puter: Reading the posts of the fantastic weight losses and even the struggles some of us go through helps us know we are not alone. :hug:

And would you believe, we have several on the forums who are waiting for their orders, and yet, they are all over these boards welcoming newbies :wave: and supporting those of us who may be considered old timers. AMAZING!

Who can really understand us, :dooh: unless they have actually gone through it themselves :?: We are truly blessed to have the caring :heart: people on these boards fighting our battles with us! :x Happy you're here. PASHTA :D


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Postby Pashta » March 16th, 2006, 3:00 pm

Thanks everyone! I added my age and height into my signature. I know my goal weight isn't what is posted as the "ideal" weight for my height, but I'm rather.. well-endowed in the chest and I looked just fine at 175 and I'd like to stay at that weight at the highest. If I lose more than that's just great. :)
- Tonia

Start: 03/20/06 (restart 3/19/07)
Age: 33 Ht: 5'5"
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Postby just_julie » March 16th, 2006, 3:00 pm

Howdy and welcome! I just wanted to chime in to say I was wiped out on Day 4 from quite a bit of housework. WIPED! I think Day 4 is the one to get through. I also had mild headaches on Days 2 & 4. Also... As many will testify, your tastes will change throughout this process. If you don't like something, save it for another try another day. I love oatmeal, but almost couldn't get my Maple & Brown Sugar MF oatmeal down on the first day. I read the Lean Cuisine section and tired it again with a packet of Splenda, cinnamon, and nutmeg. YUMMY! Nutmeg is my favorite spice right now - also good in vanilla shakes.

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Postby Joelie » March 16th, 2006, 4:29 pm

Hi ya Pashta...and Image

No tips or suggestions quite yet as I'm a newbie to MF also. Still waiting on my shipment actually. But wanted to welcome you to this wonderful place! :D
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Postby lauradr » March 16th, 2006, 8:44 pm

Pashta, Welcome :D
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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Postby Drama Queen » March 16th, 2006, 9:21 pm

Hi Pashta,

Welcome!! You are going to love MF and this great Forum full of the most wonderful people on earth. I was one of the lucky ones...I had absolutely no problems my first 3 days adjusting to the program and I went cold turkey off caffeine at the same time! I can't believe how good I feel and how much energy I have. MF is amazing!!
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Postby Nancy » March 17th, 2006, 6:03 pm

Hello and welcome to you, Pashta ~

You have a great attitude and seem to know what you want to do: Gitter done!

You mentioned liquid diets up there ^ and I'm sure that since you've been reading here for a while that by now you know, Medifast is not just a liquid diet. We have many food choices and they are tasty as well as nutritious.

Medifast products and the Take Shape For Life Program are a lot different from other weight loss programs. There is a prescribed plan and when people follow it, don't make substitutions or add extra foods to the program, the weight drops off and we feel great. This is a medically designed program; the structure helps many of us to be successful because we know exactly what we are to eat and when to eat it. I love the convenience of preparing the packets.

Weight loss is rapid and consistent. The second day some people do get a headache but typically if one ups their water :water: swigging and has a Tylenol, it goes away by day 3 and :roflmao: happy thinniness begins!

We have over 70 products, some of which are what I consider to be 'specialty' shakes, designed to address certain health issues such as those dreaded :twisted: hot flashes :twisted: Sheila mentioned. Sheila, the Medifast Plus Women's Health shakes are perfect for those personal saunas! You use one or two a day in place of the other shakes or meal replacement packets - the natural herbs black cohosh, chaste tree berry and Echinacea really do the trick for most of us. I was waking up 23-27 times per night in a lake of sweat - NOT COOL! I hated it and I was not sleeping - that made Leopard Woman cranky...
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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Postby PGL » March 18th, 2006, 9:29 pm

Welcome, Pashta, from another newbie..(old newbie) ! Thanks for your message about the emoticons..( I still can't get it to work, even with the pop-up fix, so I'll keep trying !) Only advice I have is water water water, and forum, forum, forum..I can tell a huge diff if I miss water, and the forum is so encouraging...Also, I bought some Crystal light flavors and sprinkled a tad in with vanilla shakes and a dash of splenda, and it's really good..( everybody keep me honest, that's still 'legal', right ?) My WORST problem was the headache for days 1,2,3...I won't lie, it was a MONSTER, thought I would die, but when it suddenly went away, I felt sensational ! Had so much energy, not hungry, clear headed, weight loss, and the soy (which I had never been able to take before) seemed to give me strength & really level out my hot flashes, etc...I felt really 'clean' and purified...get through those first 3 days and you've got it !!!! You go girl !
DeDe, I'm rootin' for you ! You are awesome !
Go DeDe,& Pashta, & Lori & Neeko, & Julie, & Joelie,& just_Julie, & Patti, & Aphrael, & Dogma, & Laura, & Diana !!!! What an AWESOME team ! They'll have to expand the Sports Illustrated Issue next year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby PGL » March 18th, 2006, 9:33 pm

..AND Drama Queen, & Lizabette, & Veritas, & Toy Diva, & Lauradr !!!!!!! Winners winners winners !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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